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(1802) (Nov. 12)
Hassett, Father Thomas
to Antonio Morales Correspondence with the majordomo of the church, 1802.
Morales, Antonio
to Father Thomas Hasset(t) It is general knowledge that this church needs two bells and the pastor, Father Antonio de Sedella, (O.M.Cap.) has just told Morales that they could be brought from Havana. Two occasions are coming up in the present week where some one is leaving for (Havana). A.L.S. (Spanish) On the same paper:
Hassett, Father Thomas
to Antonio Morales With the consent of the Vice-Patron, Hassett authorizes Morales to buy the two bells. A. Copy S. (Spanish)
Morales, Antonio
to Father Thomas Hasset(t) Two of the three houses built at his expense by the former Bishop Luis de Penalver y Cardenas on the ground next to St. Luis Cathedral, so that the income could be spent for divine worship, have not been rented because there has been no partition made in each one in the two rooms of which each consists and glass doors put in, although the rent has been lowered one-third. Morales thinks it is necessary if the Church is to get all use possible out of the ground to add a room to each so they could be rented with much profit. It is necessary to cover with tile or brick the shed made of pickets behind the church if furniture is to be kept there. This expense would not be great as it would only be necessary to put a roof over what is there. A.L.S. (Spanish) Folded with this:
Hassett, Father Thomas
to Antonio Morales With the consent of the Vice-Patron Hassett authorizes Morales to carry out the proposed expenditures on the three houses, leaving the work up to Morales' judgment. A. Copy S. (Spanish)
Morales, Antonio
to Father Thomas Hasset(t) Father Antonio de Sedella, pastor, yesterday wrote Morales as follows: "The cemetery is almost filled. As majordomo Morales will have to inform the vice-general of the necessity of an extension, citing the fulfillment of Baron de Carondelet's promise to raise it two feet and to build a walk leading to it as otherwise it is impassible in wet weather. Sedella calls this to Morales' attention so that in this way they may avoid the infection that would result from burying bodies on top of one another." Morales notifies Hasset so that if he finds it convenient he may ask the governor for up to 600 feet on each front including what is now the cemetery since the old one comprised 600 feet and the population was not one third of what it is now. Morales is aware that the ground is under litigation but the governor could make an agreement with the Judges of Appraisals and have the surveyor stake out the plot, reserving the right to confer the title when it is determined. Former Governor Carondelet's letter is in the secretariat in which he offered to raise the ground and build a walk from St. Ferdinand gate to the cemetery. Up to now neither has been done. (Hassett adds a note that he answered on June 18). L.S. (Spanish)
Morales, Antonio
to Father Thomas Hasset(t) They have little wine and no incense for the Cathedral and Morales wishes to buy them with Hasset's consent. They have very few candles and as one rarely finds them for sale here, Morales proposes to bring them from Havana. The pastor, Sedella, has told Morales that they need some surplices, towels, and chasubles, as they are worn out. L.S. (Spanish) Folded with this:
Hassett, Father Thomas
to Antonio Morales Hassett, with the consent of the Vice-Patron authorizes Morales to order 400 pounds of candles from Havana and to order the vestments and other things cited in his letter. A. Copy S. (Spanish)
Morales, Antonio
to Father Thomas Hasset(t) In compliance with the verbal order given him to have the ceiling of the church examined, Morales has had the masons, Josef Guillot and Jose Gourlier make the examination. They reported that in the false roof of the church they found many pieces entirely separated from the timbers making it very dangerous from the wind or artillery fire. The builders offer to make all necessary repairs and to whitewash all the church for 500 pesos, furnishing all the materials. L.S. (Spanish)
V-3-l L.S., A. Copy S., A.L.S. (Spanish) 28pp. 8vo.