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(1802) (Nov. 24) Rivet, Pedro Dispensation asked for Pedro Rivet to marry Constanza Hebert. (1802)
(Rivet, Pedro)
to Father Thomas Hassett Rivet, a native of Manchak wishes to marry Constanza Ebert of the same place. He asks Hassett to hear his witnesses. He is the son of Pedro Rivet and Joseph Brand. Constanza is the daughter of Estevan Ebert and Magdalena Landry. Rivet's father is the son of Fran(cis)co Rivet and Maria Landry. Constanza's mother and Maria Landry are daughters of Lorenzo Landry and Catalina Alain. They are poor and Acadians. He asks a dispensation. C. Lavergne signs for Rivet. L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father (Thomas) The testimony is to be heard. Nar(cis)so Broutin acts as notary. D.S. (Spanish) (1802) Nov. 22
(Broutin, Narciso) Rivet appeared before Hassett and presented his testimony. He is single and 20 years old. D. (Spanish)
Broutin, Nar(cis)o Juan B(autis)ta Wilson appears and gives his testimony. He is 40 and signs as J(ean B(aptis)te Wilson. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Broutin, Nar(ci)so Fran(cis)co Guillermo Champagne appears and gives his testimony. He is 39 and signs as Francois Guillaume Champagne. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Hassett grants the dispensation. D.S. (Spanish)
V-3-l L.S., D.S., D., A.D.S. (Spanish) 14pp. 4to.