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(1803) (Mar. 21)
Ramos, O.S.U., Sister Antonia de St. Monica
to Father (Thomas Hassett Sister Antonia, Superior of the Ursulines in (New Orleans), with all her Community who sign, states that Henrrique, a slave of the convent, age 32, and Regis, 26, also a slave, have asked for their liberty in order to be with and do for their father in his old age at the price of 800 pesos given 300 at once for each, 300 in a year and the other 200 six months later, which sum of 1000 pesos for the two would be received by the Superior or authorized person. In the meantime they would continue to serve as always, assuming the sisters remained there. They ask (Hassett) for his consent. (Signed by) Sister Antonia, Sister Marguerite de Ste. Ignace Duliepore, assistant; Sister de Ste. Marie Ol(i)vier, receiver; Sister Francisca de Sta. Felicité A(l)zas, zelatris; Sister Theresa de San Xavier Farjon; Sister Adelaida de Sta. Solange Dusuau; Sr. Fran(cis)ca de Sta. Avoye Dusuau; Sr. Petrona de S(a)n Rafael Mirabel; Sr. Ignacia Maria de Sta. Clara de Yera; Sr. Felicitas de Sta. Angela Caldez; Sr. Christine de St. André Madier; Sr. antonia de Sta. rita del Castillo; Sr. Maria de Sn. Miguel Mirabal; Sr. Ysabel de Sn. Luis Vazquez; (Sister Rosalie de Ste. Scolastique Broutin; Sr. Emelie de St. Francoise Jourdan; Sister Maria de Regla de Sta. Ursula Lopez; Sr. Maria Jesus de Sta. Rosa Sanchez. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Since the whole community is agreed in freeing Henrrique and Regis, Hassett gives his permission. Nar(ci)so Broutin acts as notary. D.S. (Spanish)
V-3-n A.L.S., D.S. (Spanish) 3pp. folio (1803) (Mar. 21)
Ramos, Sister Antonia de Sta. Monica
to Father (Thomas Hassett Sister Antonia, superioress of the Ursuline Convent, with all her community, who sign, states that Santiago, a negro slave of the Community, asks for his liberty and they have agreed to free him for 800 pesos, 400 in three months and the rest in a year, he remaining in the service of the Sisters as formerly. He is 41 and married to a free negro who will pay the first amount. (Signed by) Sr. Antonia; Sister Margerite de Ste. Ignace Duliepore, assistant; Sister de Ste. Marie Olivier, receiver; Sister de Sta. Felicité Alzas, zelatris; Sister Theresa de Sn. Xavier Farjon; Sister Adelaida de Sta. Solange Dusuau; Sister Fran(cis)ca de Sta. Avoye Dusuau; Sister Petrona de Sn. Agustin Collazo; Sister Maria de Sn. Rafael Mirabal; Sister Ignacia Maria de Sta. Clara de Yera; Sister Felicitas de Sta. Angela Caldes; Sister Christina de Sta. Andre Madier; Sister Antonia de Sta. Rita del Castillo; Sister Maria de Sn. Miguel Mirabal; Sister Ysabel de Sn. Luis Vazquez; Sister Rosalie de Ste. Scolastique Broutin; Sister Emelie de St. Francois Jourdan; Sister Maria de Regla de Sta. Ursula Lopez; Sister Maria Jesus de Sta. Rosa Sanchez. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Hassett gives his consent. Nar(ci)so Broutin acts as notary. D.S. (Spanish)
V-3-n A.L.S., D.S. (Spanish) 3pp. folio (1803) (Mar. 21)
Saulet, Louise Juli(e)
to (Father Thomas Hassett Luisa, the widow Lambert, is going to make a second marriage with Luis Chobain of this city. As a widow she wishes at this time to avoid the merriment of a charivari. She asks to be dispensed from the three banns. L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father (Thomas) Hassett grants the dispensation. Nar(ci)so Broutin acts as notary. D.S. (Spanish)
V-3-n L.S., D.S. (Spanish) 2pp. folio