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(1803) (Mar. 24)
Ramos, Sister Antonia de Sta. Monica
to (Father Thomas Hassett Sister Antonia, superioress of the Ursuline Convent, with the consent of the whole community, states that they are selling to Mrs. Barbara Rita Lobato, a permanent boarder in the convent, a little negro creole, named Adelayda, aged 7 years, for 200 pesos which the community owes this lady. Not having the cash they agreed to pay by selling this slave, because of the poverty of this woman who has been in the convent for so many years and who has no other refuge. They ask Hassett's permission. (Signed by) Sister Antonia; Sister Marguerite de Sante Ign(a)ce, assistant; Sister Fran(cis)ca de Sta. Maria Olivier, receiver; Sister Theresa de Sn. Xavier Farjon; Sister Adelaida de Sta. Solange Dusuau; Sister Christine de St. Andre Madier; Sister Maria de Regla de Sta. Ursula Lopez; Sister Antonia de Sta. Rita del Castillo; Sister Francisca de Sta. Felicite Alzas, zelatris; Sister Fran(cis)ca de Sta. Avoye Dusuau; Sister Felicitas de Sta. Angela Caldes; Sister Maria de Sn. Miguel Mirabal; Sister Ysabel de Sn. Luis Vazquez; Sister Petrona de Sn. Agustin Collazo; Sister Sta. Clara de Yera; Sister St. Francois Jourdan; Sister Sta. Rosa Sanchez; Sister Ste. Scolastique Broutin. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Hassett gives his consent. Nar(ci)so Broutin acts as notary. D.S. (Spanish)
V-3-n A.L.S., D.S. (Spanish) 3pp. folio (1803) (Mar. 24)
Ramos, O.S.U., Sister Antonia de Sta. Monica
to (Father Thomas Hassett Sister Antonia, Superior of the Convent of the Ursulines in (New Orleans), and the whole Community, state that the free negress, Roseta, married to a negro slave of the Community, named Antonio, age about 50, wishes to liberate him and to pay 400 pesos for him. They have agreed to this. They ask (Hassett's) consent. Signed by Sr. Antonia; Sr. Margerite de Ste. Ignace Duliepore, assistant; Sr. Fran(cis)ca de Sta. Maria Olivier, receiver; Sr. Adelaida de Sta. Solange Dusuau; Sr. Christine de St. Andre Madier; Sr. Antonia de Sta. Rita del Castillo; Sr. Petrona de Sn. Agustin Collazo; Sr. Francisca de Ste. Felicite Alzas zelatris; Sr. Theresa de Sn. Xavier Farjon; Sr. Fran(cis)ca de Ste. Avoye Dusuau; Sr. Felicitas de Sta. Angela Caldes; Sr. Maria de Sn. Miguel Mirabal; Sr. Ysabel de Sn. Luis Vazquez; Sr. Maria de Regla de Sta. Ursula Lopez; Sr. Sta Clara de Yera; Sr. St. Francois Jourdan; Sr. Sta. Rosa Sanchez; Sr. Ste. Scholastique Broutin. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Hassett gives his permission. Nar(ci)so Broutin acts as notary. D.S. (Spanish)
V-3-n A.L.S., D.S. (Spanish) 3pp. folio