University of Notre Dame

Diocese of Louisiana and the Floridas 1803/04/02










(1803) (Apr. 2)

Rodrig(ue)z, Simon
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

to (Father Thomas Hassett
New Orleans, Louisiana)
Rodriguez of (New Orleans), a native of Havana, has obtained the necessary papers to marry Maria Theresa del Carmen Cumillios of this city. He is ready to leave for Havana and asks a dispensation from the three banns.

A.L.S. (Spanish)

1803 Apr. 2

Hassett, Father Thomas
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

Hassett grants the petition. Nar(ci)so Broutin acts as notary.D.S. (Spanish)

V-3-n A.L.S., D.S. (Spanish) 2pp. folio

1803 Apr. 2

Salcedo, Manuel de
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

to (Father Thomas Hassett)
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Salcedo encloses a copy of the letter sent to him by the Colonial Prefect, (Pierre Clement de Laussat). Salcedo has not the slightest doubt that the information given to the prefect lacks foundation; however, Salcedo takes this opportunity to warn that no imprudent action be taken which would compromise national honor. Hassett's zeal and religion are to Salcedo a secure guarantee of scrupulous conduct and he will so assure this official in order to quiet his misgivings.

A.L.S. (Spanish)


(1803) (Mar. 31)

Laussat, (Pierre Clement de)
New Orleans, (Louisiana)

"Germinal Year"

to (Manuel de) Salcedo
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

Laussat tells Governor Salcedo that he has heard from several sides that the religious corporations have the idea that they will be permitted to take away some of the church vestments or vessels when they leave their establishments. As Salcedo knows, all public property, be it royal or communal, is included in the surrender of possession of the colony into their hands according to the treaties binding their respective governments. They would both be remiss if they tolerated anything to be deducted. Andre Lopez Armesto (adds that) this is a copy.

Copy (French)

V-3-n A.L.S., Copy (Spanish and French) 4pp. 8vo. and 4to.

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