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1803 (May 27)
(Hassett, Father Thomas) Correspondence with the Superior of the Ursulines of (New Orleans) about her going to Havana with fifteen nuns.
Ramos, (O.S.U.), Sister Ant(oni)a de Sta. Monica
to Father Thomas Hassett Sister Antonia encloses a copy of the letter which Governor (Manuel de Salcedo) and Marques de Casa Calvo sent her about the king's disposition of their decision to remain beneath his auspices and Hassett is to fill in what concerns him. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Salcedo, Manuel de and Marq(ue)s de Casa Calvo
to (Sister Antonia de Sta. Monica Ramos In the royal order of January 18 sent by the First Secretary of State there is the following: "As to Question 6 about the Ursulines His Majesty has decided that he will continue the support he has given, if the nuns settle in his dominion but if the French government wishes to keep them in Louisiana it will be its duty to support them." Copy (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas
to Sister Antonia de Sta. Monica Ramos Hassett (cites) Sister's letter of the 16th with the enclosure. He has already communicated with the Governor and Marques in a letter of the 16th in answer to theirs of the 14th on the same subject. A. Draft S. (Spanish)
Ramos, Sister Ant(oni)a de Sta. Monica
to Father Thomas Hassett In spite of being convinced that the deputies will have apprised Hassett of the arrangement made for their petition, Sister sends Hassett a copy in proof of her submission. She asks Hassett to come to the grating for the permission of the accounts of her office which have been shown to the Sisters as the rule directs. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Salcedo, Manuel de and Marques de Casa Calvo
to (Sister Antonia de Sta. Monica Ramos All arrangements have been made for the transfer to Havana of the 16 nuns in the "Diligencia" and the "Sn. Fran(cis)co de Borja." They notify her so that they may be ready as the departure is to take place next Friday. Copy (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas
to Sister Antonia de Sta. Monica Ramos Hassett will be at the grating at 9 o'clock tomorrow to examine her accounts as Superioress of the convent. A. Draft S. (Spanish)
Ramos, Sister Ant(oni)a de Sta. Monica
to Father Thomas Hassett The deputies have notified them to be ready on Friday and they have been notified by the Captain of the sloop that tomorrow the trunks and boxes of clothing and books belonging to the three laywomen must be put on board. Sister Antonia asks Hassett for his permission to load these goods as she does not want to proceed in anything without showing her obedience. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas
to Sister antonia de Sta. Monica Ramos Hassett has no objection to the loading of the trunks and boxes. A. Draft S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Hassett gives his permission to Sister Antonia and the other 15 sisters, namely, Sister de Sn. Ignacio Duliepore, assistant, and the oldest in the Community; Sister Antonia de Santa Rita del Castillo; Sister Adelaida de Sta. Solange Dusuau; Sister Francisca de Santa Avoye Dusuau; Sister Ignacia de Santa Clara de Yera; Sister Petrona de Sn. Agustin Collazo; Sister de San Miguel Mirabal; Sister Maria de Regla de Santa Ursula Lopez; Sister Santa Rosa Sanchez; Sister Felicitas de Sta. Angela Caldes; Sister Isabel de San Luis Basquez [Bazguez]; and the three religious attached to the community, Sister de Santa Marta (?) Rosalia Bourque and Sister Estanislao Langline to go to Havana to establish themselves there according to His Majesty's intentions as made known by Governor Salcedo and Casa Calvo, Deputy for the Transfer in their letters of the 20th and 23rd. Narciso Broutin acts as notary. Draft S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas
to Sister Antonia de Sta. Monica Ramos With the consent of Salcedo and Casa Calvo, Hassett has appointed Father Enrique Boutin, an exemplary priest, to accompany the Sisters to Havana, to go in the "San Fran(cis)co de Borja," and to take with him vestments and whatever else is necessary for Mass daily if weather and other circumstances permit. A. Draft S. (Spanish)
V-3-o A.L.S., Copies, A. Drafts S. (Spanish) 8vo. and folio