Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1869/1870 Academic Year
Play: The Enchanted Hostelry!
Author: Prof. A. J. Stace
Date Performed: Oct. 13, 1869
Director: F.X. Derrick:
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thespians
Event: The Feast of the Rev. E. Sorin
Cast List
Lord Aubrey: J.A. Fox
Aloysius: J.C. Eisenman
Peter: R.L. Akin
Bill: T. Watson
Tom: H.Morancy
Jack: P.Clarke
Joe: T. Dillon
Jem: L.Wilson
Teddy: M. Deehan
Landlord: Jas Wilson
Melancardios: L.M. Logan
Epilogue: J. C. Eisenman
Notes: Article on The Twenty-sixth Annual Festival of St.Edward. p.20.
Source(s): The Notre Dame Scholastic; October 16, 1869; Vol. 3, p.20.
The Notre Dame Scholastic, Sept. 28, 1878, Vol. 12, p.54.
Play: Bellarosa
Author: Member of the College Faculty
Date Performed: Dec. 14, 1869
Sponsoring/Producing Association: St. Cecilia Philomathean Association
Event: St. Cecilia's Festival
Cast List
Bellarosa: Robert Staley
Duke of Golan: C. Dodge
Theodebert: C.Burdell
La Brisse: F.Dwyer
Bois Robert: F. Kaiser
Gusman: J. Sutherland
Gontrand: Wm. Clarke
La Fere: Wm. Dodge
Montreal: J. McGuire
Albrantin: H.Hayes
Herman: J.Nash
Gensano: M. Mahony
Amitus: C. Hutchings
Servilius: J. Rumely
La Rovere: S. Ashton
Tristan: O.Baker
Godfrey: R. Long
Ferrand: P. Cochrane
Brisban: J. Walsh
Quivala: B. Roberts
Raymond: J. Klein
Gonslan: J. Hannaher
Bois Bien: Wm. Taylor
Favorito: J. Kilcoin
Hoel: J. Hogan
Jeronimo: D. Egan
Attivo: D. Brown
Reginald: H. O'Neil
Sesmond: H. Hogan
Sigefroid: C. Marantette
Bataglia: H. White
Rudolphe: Wm. Gross
Norbert: L. Hayes
Berald: S. McArthur
Brettone: F. Witte
Montalto: T. Foley
Notes: Synopsis of Scenes on p. 62 of Vol. 3 of the Scholastic
Reviewed on p. 64 of Vol. 3 of the Scholastic
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic; Dec. 25, 1869; Vol.3 p. 61.
Play: Handy Andy--A Drama in Two Acts
Author: Member of the College Faculty
Date: Wednesday, Dec. 29, 1869
Producing Association: The Thespian Society of Notre Dame
Venue: Washington Hall
Auspices: Celebration of the Christmas Holidays
Cast List
Handy Andy: Thomas A. Dillon
Squire Egan: L. B. Logan
Squire O'Grady: H. P. Morancy
Mr. Murphy: R. L. Akin
Dick Dawson: J. C. Eisenmann
Mr. Furlong, the Fop: L. Wilson
Edward O'Connor: E. B. Gambee
Mad Nick: John Mulhall
Simon: L. Trudell
Farrell, A Robber: John Canavan
Play: The Original John Schmidt--a Farce in Onc Act
John Schmidt: R. L. Akin
Captain Blowhard: L. B. Logan
Hon. Augustus Clearstarch: L. Wilson
Charles Soberly, a nice young man: E. B. Gambee
Mast. Andy, son of Blowhard: J. C. Eisenman
Teddy, fond of perquisites: Thomas A. Dillon
Landlord, fond of change: H. P. Morancy.
Jack, a servant: J. Mulhall
Clerk of the hotel: L. Trudell
Note: "[T]hough a large number of its members be absent on the Christmas holidays, those who remain have shown themselves well able to sustain the credit of the originals."
Source: Scholastic 3:8, December 25, 1869, 64; 3:9, January 8, 1870, 70.
Play: Tim Finnigan
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: Feb. 1, 1870
Director: Prof. Derrick, S.S.C.
Sponsoring/Producing Association: Thespian Society
Event: Opening of new session.
Tim Finnigan: Thomas Dillon
Ned Finnigan: L.Wilson
Capt. Dancer: J.A.Fox
Phelim: H.P. Morancy
Corporal Nimms: E.B. Gambee
Driscoll: John Mulhall
Skinner: S. Rowland
Paddy Anderson: R. McCarthy
Old Finnigan: L.B.Logan
Thomas: J.R.Boyd
Music: Notre Dame University Band
Notes: Previewed on p.79 of Vol. 3 of the Scholastic.
Reviewed on p. 87 of Vol. 3 of the Scholastic
Source: Scholastic; Feb.5, 1870; Vol.3 p. 87.
Play: Elma, The Druid Martyr,
a tragedy in three acts
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: Feb. 22, 1870
Director: Prof. Derrick, S.S.C.
Sponsoring/Producing Association: Thespian Dramatic Association
Event: Washington's Birthday
Nori, Arch-Druid: T.A. Dillon
Statius, Centurion: A.W. Arrington
Elma, His Grandson: J.C. Eiseman
Oscar, Druid Officer: J. Sutherland
Oswin, Priest & Wizard: L.B. Logan
Cerdic, Druid Officer: John Mulhall
Rollo, Military Cheiftain: J.A. Fox
1st Roman Guard: J.K.Finley
Adulph, Bard: L.Wilson
2nd Roman Guard: J.W. Murphy
Febronius, Elma's Father: H.P.Morancy
1st Druid Soldier: John Duffy
Music: N.D.U. Cornet Band
2nd Druid Soldier: W. Roberts
Notes: Previewed on p.79 of Vol. 3 of the Scholastic. Reviewed on p.102 of Vol 3.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic; Feb.5, 1870; Vol. 3 p. 87.
Play: The Yankee Peddler, a farce in one act
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: Feb. 22, 1870
Director: Prof. Derrick, S.S.C.
Sponsoring/Producing Association: Thespian Dramatic Association
Event: Washington's Birthday
Hiram Dodge: J.A.Fox
Charles: J. Mulhall
Mr. Fuller: H.P.Morancy
Slingsby: J.W. Murphy
Mark Fuller: J.C. Eisenman
Jennings: J. Duffy
Jerushus: T.A.Dillon
Pompey: L.Wilson
Cowpens: L.B. Logan
Dick: J. Sutherland
Notes: Previewed on p.79 of Vol. 3 of the Scholastic. Rewiewed on p. 102 of Vol 3.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic; Feb.5, 1870; Vol. 3 p. 87.
Play: The Avenged Orphan
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: March 12, 1970
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thespian Dramatic Associtation
Event: Return of Very Rev. E. Sorin from Europe
Cast List
The Baron: E.B.Gambee
Captain Zaview: L.B.Logan
Claudio: L.Wilson
Colonel Rigolio: J.R.Boyd
Francis: H.P.Morancy
Publio: W.H.Murphy
Estevan: F.Kaiser
Myrtillo: J.Sutherland
Stephen: J.Duffy
Robert: W.Roberts
Villagers, Servants, Offices of Justice, etc.
Notes: Reviewed on p. 111 of Vol. 3 of the Scholastic.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, March 19, 1870, Vol. 3, p.111.
Play: An Irishman's Blunders
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: March 12, 1870
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thespian Dramatic Association
Event: Return of Very Rev. E. Sorin from Europe
Cast List
Handy Andy: T.A.Dillon
Squire Egan: L.B.Logan
Squire O'Grady: H.P.Morancy
Mr. Murphy: J.A.Fox
Dick Dawson: J.R.Boyd
Mr. Furlong: L.Wilson
Ed. O'Conner: E.B.Gambee
Mad Nick: J.Mulhall
Simon: W.Roberts
Farrell: W.H.Murphy
Notes: Reviewed on p. 111 of Vol. 3 of the Scholastic.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, March 19, 1870, Vol. 3, p. 111.
Play: The Upstart
Author: Moliere
Date Performed: April 26, 1870, June 21 and 22, 1870
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Cecilia Philomathean Society
Event: 12th Annual Summer Entertainment and
26th Annual Commencement
Cast List
Mr. Jordan: B.Burdell
Old Mr. Jordan: S.Ashton
Cleon: T.Foley
Corvielle: W.B.Clarke
Doranto: F.P.Dwyer
Dorimenes: B.Roberts
Signore Profundo: J.Nash
Signore Bassilio: R.Staley
Fiorello: J.Rumely
Figaro: C.Hutchings
Jeronimo: P.Cochrane
Nicholas: M.Mahony
Ali Bey: J.McGuire
Signor Crispino: D.Brown
Giacomo: J.Doherty
Paolo: C.Forrestal
Beppo: J.Thomson
Pedro: C.Morgan
Baptista: J.Kilcoin
Carlo: C.Ortmayer
Pasquela: D.Egan
Rigoletto: J.Kinkade
Filippo: H.O'Neill
Polluto: G.Hoffman
Prestolo: C.English
Alvina: J.Christy
Rigolo: L.Hayes
Francesco: E.Shea
Boum: L.McOsker
Fenail: S.Dum
Bachisaid: L.Roth
Kamyl: H.Ackhoff
Faud Bob: H.Luhn
Haroun Selim: J.Hannaher
Turk: W.Wilstach
Abdelkish: F.C.Randall
Alrashid: J.Antoine
Pompey: J.Goodhue
Cuffey: S.Shanks
Notes: Reviewed on p. 135 and p. 165-6 of Vol. 3 of the Scholastic.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, April 30, 1870, Vol. 3, p. 135.
Play: William Tell
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: June 21 and 22, 1870
Director: Prof. M.T. Corby, A.M.
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The Thespian Association
Event: 26th Annual Commencement
Cast List
Gessler: L.B.Logan
Sarnem: John Mulhall
Rudolph: W.H.Murphy
Lutold: E.E.Gambee
William Tell: J.R.Boyd
Albert: J.Sutherland
Melctal: J.M.Marcus
Erni: J.R.Fox
Furst: John Duffy
Verner: D.B.Hibbard
Michael: H.P.Morancy
Theodore: T.Dillon
Pierre: F.Kaiser
Hermann: L.F.Wilson
Officers, Archers, Soldiers, Villagers, Citizens, etc.
Notes: Reviewed on p. 165-6 of Vol. 3 of the Scholastic.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, June 11, 1870, Vol. 3, p. 157.
Play: The Benefit of Hanging
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: June 21 and 22, 1870
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thespian Association
Event: 26th Annual Commencement
Cast List
Old Screw: D.B.Hibbard
Old Nail: J.Mulhall
Goliath Spiderlimb: J.A.Fox
Captain Darling: L.Willson
Giles Sowthistle: H.P.Morancy
Theodore Button: J.Sutherland
Old Gammon: F.Kaiser
Old Spinage: T.Dillon
Notes: Reviewed on p. 165-6 of Vol. 3 of the Scholastic.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, June 11, 1870, Vol. 3, p. 157.
last edited 29 December 2015 by MCP
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