Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1870/1871 Academic Year
Play: The Yankee Peddler
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: Sept. 24, 1870
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thespian Association
Event: Grand Celebration in Honor of the Reuturn of Rev. Father General [Sorin] from Europe.
Venue: Washington Hall
Song--Solo: Mr. R. Staley; Chorus, Messrs Staley, Rumely, A and G. Riopelle.
Address from Senior Department: John M. Gearin
Song: Messrs A. and G. Riopelle
Address from Junior Department: C. Berdell
Address from Minim Department: Eddie DeGroot
Music: Band
Cast of Characters:
Hiram Dodge: J.A. Fox
Pompy: T. Watson
Fuller: J.R. Boyd
Cowpens: W.C. Stillwagen
Harris: D.B. Hibbard
Mark: R. McCarthy
Slingsby: F.Kaiser
Jerushus: T.A. Dillon
Jennings: E.B. Gambee
Dick: Leranger
Closing Remarks:Very Rev. Father General
March for Retiring: Band
Notes: "Mr. Watson, in his representation of 'Cuffy,' showed forth the negro peculiarities to perfection."
Source: Scholastic 4:2, Oct.8, 1870, 5.
Play: 'Twould Puzzle a Conjurer
Author: Unknown
Date: Oct 13, 1870
Producing Organization: Thespian Association
Event: St. Edward's Day
Director: Prof. M. T. Corby Venue: Washington Hall
Cast List
Peter, Czar of Muscovy: M.J. Moriarty
Admiral Varensloff: J.A. Loranger
Van Dunder: J.A. Fox
Count De Merville: R. McCarthy
Peter Stanmitz: D..B. Hibbard
Hones: W. Robert
Van Block: E.B. Gambee
Officer: J.K. Finley
Baron Von Clump: T.A. Dillon
Major Domo: F.B. Shepard
Note: The women of Saint Mary's College presented elaborate tableaux of the four seasons, although it is unclear where and in what connection to this play.
Source: Scholastic 4:3, October 22, 1870, 4-5.
Play Title: The Rogueries of Scapin
Author: Moliere
Date Performed: Nov. 9, 1870
Director: Rev. A. Lemonnier,S. S. C., and Prof. J. A. Lyons, A. M.
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Cecilia Philomathean Association
Event: Dedicated to Archbishop Rev. J. B. Purcell, D. D.
Cast List
Signor Argante: C.Dodge
Signor Geronte: S. Ashton
Octavius: R. Staley
Leander: C. Hutchings
Scapin: C. Berdell
Sylvester: J. McHugh
Arnoph: J. Nash
Carl: L. Hayes
Andrea: J. McGuire
Battista: J. Ward
Ernand: D. Hogan
Beneditto: J. Antoine
Patrucchio: L. Roth
Tiorello: C. Ortmayer
Lino: B. Roberts
Fidelio: E. Shea
Giuseppe: J. Shanks
Francesco: F. Obert
Carlo: C. Peterson
Giovanni: J. Goodhue
Rinaldo: J. Rumley
Guiscardo: S. Dum
Vincentio: V. Hackmann
Daniele: D. Egan
Epilogue: C. Berdell
Notes: Dedicated also to Bishop Luers, D. D., of Fort Wayne, Bishop Borgess, D. D., of Detroit, Bishop
and Toeppe, D. D., of Covington.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, Nov. 19, 1870, Vol. 4, p.6-7.
Play Title: The White Horse of the Peppers
Date Performed: December 26, 1870
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thespian Association
Event: Annual Christmas Exhibition
Cast List
Col. Chesham: M. Spellacy
Major Hans Mansfeldt: J.D. Evans
Darby Donohue: J. Wilson
Phelim: A.G. Brown
Portreeve: G. Darr
Gerald Pepper: T. Dillon
Rafferty: J. O'Rourke
Old Pepper: A. Riopelle
Bryan: G. Riopelle
Villager: E. McGee
Servant: J. Zimmer
Servant: C. Weld
Notes: Reviewed on p. 5 of the Notre Dame Scholastic, Jan. 14, 1871, Vol. 4.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, Jan. 14, 1871, Vol. 4, p. 5.
Play Title: The Banker Sold
Date Performed: December 26, 1870
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thespian Association
Event: Annual Christmas Exhibition
Cast List
Mr. N. brown: J.D. Evans
Jim: J. O'Rourke
Exeter: Geo. Darr
Captain Jones: Jas. Wilson
Bob Smith: A.G. Brown
Paddy Maguire: T. Dillon
Jake: J. Zimmer
Notes: Reviewed on p. 5 of the Notre Dame Scholastic, Jan. 14, 1871, Vol. 4.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, Jan. 14, 1871, Vol. 4, p. 5.
Play Title: The Miser
Author: Moliere
Date Performed: February 7, 1871
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Cecilia Philomathean Association
Event: 13th Semi-Annual Exercises of the St. Cecilians
Cast List
Harpagon: C. Berdel
Cleonte: J. McHugh
Polyander: V. Hackmann
Anselm: J. Ward
Orontes: J. McGuire
Lapierre: C. Dodge
Lafleche: C. Huchings
Maitre Jacques: S. Ashton
A. Commissary: L. Roth
Lamerluche: T. Foley
Brindavoine: C. Ortmayer
Antoine: J. Antoine
Notes: Reviewed on p. 6-7 of the Notre Dame Scholastic, Feb. 11, 1871, Vol. 4.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, Feb. 11, 1871, Vol. 4, p. 6-7.
Play Title: Fidelity, or The White Night
Dates Performed: May 31, 1871
Sponsoring Organization: St. Cecilia Philomathean Association
Occasion: The Thirteenth Annual Summer Entertainment
Cast List
George Brown: R. Staley
Donald: V. Hackmann
Gaveston: L. Roth
Marcolm: J. McHugh
Dickson: S.Ashton
Hoel: C. Hutchings
McIrton: C. Dodge
Gabriel: C. Ortmayer
Randolf: T. Foley
Egar: P Scott
Berwick: A. Filson
Connor: M. Mahony
Duncan: J. Rumely
Mc Donald: B.Roberts
Martin: C. Berdel
Carroll: J. McGuire
Rob Roy: W. Fletcher
Guy: J. Shanks
Rollon: E. Shea
Argyll: L. Hayes
Manuel: W. Dodge
Hugh: J. Walsh
O'Neill: D.Egan
Robert: H. Kinkead
Clerks of the Court
Bryan: D. Hogan
Andrew: J. Heintz
Ludwig: M. Moriarty
Kinross: L. McOskar
Elgin: P. Reilly
Hasting: J. Ward
Henric: D. Brown
Richard: R. Lange
William: C. Morgan
Duff: J. Taylor
Indulf: H. Taylor
Reginald: J. Crummey
Albert: J. Buehler
Mc Duff: J. Ruddiman
Silfried: D. McGinnis
Jesael: J. Goesse
Arthur: J. Goodhue
Stuart: V. McKinnon
Notes: Summary of Acts on p. 5-6 of the Notre Dame Scholastic, May 27, 1871, Vol. 4.
Reviewed on p. 5 of the Notre Dame Scholastic, June 3, 1871, Vol. 4.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, May 27, 1871, Vol. 4, p.6
Play Title: Henry the Fourth
Date Performed: June 17, 1871
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thespian Association
Event: 27th Annual Commencement
Cast List
King Henry IV: George Darr
Henry: W.C. Stillwagen
Prince John: Joseph Zimmer
Sir John Falstaff: Judson Fox
Westmoreland: L.Wilson
Douglas: F.Shephard
Worcester: C.Wheeler
Northumberland: John McCarty
Hotspur: Marcus Moriarty
Sir W.Blunt: James Wilson
Sir R. Vernon: J.McCormack
Sheriff: W.H.Smith
Poins: H.Keenan
Bardolph: J.M.Gearin
Gadshill: J.Culver
Peto: L.Rupert
Francis: W.Roberts
Mr.Quickly: Rufus McCarty
Raby: George Riopelle
Officers, Soldiers, Servants, etc.
Notes: Reviewed on p. 2-3 of the Notre Dame Scholastic, June 28, 1871, Vol. 4.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, June 14, 1871, Vol. 4, p. 6-7.
Play Title: Beware of Rogues
Author: Moliere
Date Performed: June 17, 1871
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Cecilian Association
Event: 27th Annual Commencement
Cast List
Argante: C. Dodge
Geronte: S. Ashton
Scapin: Charles Berdel
Octavius: R. Staley
Leander: C. Hutchings
Lafleche: J. McHugh
Sylvester: V. Hackmann
Nerin: T. Foley
Carl: L. Hayes
Two Porters: P.Reilly
Epilogue: J. Ward
Notes: Reviewed on p. 2,3,7 of the Notre Dame Scholastic, June 28, 1871, Vol. 4.
Source(s) The Notre Dame Scholastic, June 14, 1871, Vol. 4, p. 6-7.
last edited 31 December 2015 by MCP
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