Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1871-1872 Academic Year
Play Title: The Conjurer
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: Nov. 4, 1871
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The Thespian and Philharmonic Societies
Event: In honor of the victims of Chicago's fire
Cast List
Lord Truman: Thomas O'Mahony
Fantome: Joseph J. Zimmer:
Sir Geoerge Truman: George W. Darr
Butler: William E. Smith
Abigail: Marcus J. Moriarty
Coachman: Tomas A. Ireland
Sir Vellum: John M. Rourke
Gardner: Philip Cochrane
Tinsé: Thomas H. Watson
Notes: Father Sorin asked that the annual ceremony given
in his honor Oct. 13 be postponed due to the Chicago fire that affected
the families of many Notre Dame students. The student body then dedicated the postponed exhibition to the Chicago fire victims.
Source: Scholastic 5:?, Nov. 4, 1871, 5; 5:?, Nov. 11, 1871, 5:?, 4-5; 5:?, Nov. 18, 1871, 5.
Play Title: The Last Exhibition
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: December 12, 1871
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Cecilia Philomathean Association
Event: Drama Perfromance
Cast List
Duke Of Spoleto: C. Dodge
Riccardo: C. Hutchings
Prince of Macerata: S. E. Dunn
Count Bartolo: M. Foote
Antonio: F. Eagan
Balthazar: C. Berdel
Stephano: J. McHugh
Leonardo: M. Mahony
Gratiano: V. McKinnon
Lorenzo: W. Meyers
Giancomo: J. Kilcoin
Fabiano: L. Hayes
Reginald: D. Hogan
Paolo: H. Taylor
Zucchi: L. McOsker
Piedro: E. Shea
Beppo: W. Fletcher
Vicentio: L. Hibben
Pacifico: J. Rumely
Alphonso: W. Quinlan
Piccolo: H. Hunt
Marso: J. Hogan
Andrea: E. Roberts
Orlando: P. Reilly
Alberto: R. Lange
Gabrini: F. Arantz
Castello: F. McOsker
Orazzio: W. Kelly
Silvio: B. Roberts
Carlo: F. Phalan
Alfieri: E. Sheehan
Almeno: S. Ashton
Rafaele: R. Hutchings
Manfred: J. Spillard
Angelo: P. Cooney
Rossi: J. Quill
Source: Scholastic 5:?, Dec. 23, 1871, 6
Play Title: The Boots at the Swan
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: December 26, 1871
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thesepian Association
Event: Holiday Entertainment
Cast List
Henry Higgins: T. O'Mahony
Frank Friskly: M. J. Moriarty Jacob Earwig: G. W. Darr
Old Moonshine: J. Rourke
Peter Pippin: J. Zimmer
Sam: T. Watson
Bill: E. J. Nugent
Notes: On Dec. 23, the Royal Thespians gave a royal banquet
on the principle of "prepare for on hundred if you: expect to have
fifty guests at one table". After the meal, speeches were called for
and several responded, among whom were Rev. Father Lemonnier , Rev.
Messrs. O'Connell and Bigelow, and Prof. Stace, and Mr. McMichael,
the genial foreman of the Ave. Maria office.
Source: Scholastic 5:?, Dec. 23, 1871, 7
Play Title: The Minims and Their Crotchets
Author: Mr. F. C. Bigelow
Date Performed: Jan. 2, 1872
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The Thespian Cadets
Event: Exhibition
Cast List
Frank Frolic: E. DeGroot
Mendelssohn Flat: M. Farnbaker
Roscius Ranter: A. McIntosh
Humboldt Savan: E. Raymond
Byron Fitz Raymer: J. Porter
Charles Augustus Putonstyle: H. Paxon
Minims, etc.
Notes: The first exhibition by the Cadets.
Source: Scholastic 5:?, Jan, 6, 1872, 6
Play Title: Il Ciriegio
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: Jan. 2, 1872
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thespian Cadets
Event: Unknown
Cast List
Giorgio: E. Dasher
Il Signore W: A. McIntosh
Un Amico Indescreto:
Gumbo: S. McMahon
Della Famiglia: E. McMahon
Tableau: S. McMahon
E. DeGroot, E. Raymond,
H. Porter, P. Gall, J. Griffin,
G. Voelker, J. O'Meara, F. Huck
Notes: An Opera Bouffe
Source: Scholastic 5:?, Jan. 6, 1872, 6
Play Title: Damon and Pythias
Author: John Banim
Date Performed: Feb. 21, 1872
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thespian Association
Event: Exhibition
Cast List
Damon: Marcus J. Moriarty
Pythias: George W. Darr
Dionysius: Thomas F. O'Mahony
Hipparchus: Thomas A. Ireland
Hermes: John M. Rourke
Damocles: Daniel Maloney
Procles: Philip Cochrane
Philistius: Thomas Watson
Chresphontes: Patrick J. O'Connell
Lucullus: Joseph Zimmer
Child of Damon: Charlie Beck
Captain of the Guard: Harry Walker
Senators, Soldiers, Servants, etc.
Source: Scholastic 5:?, March 2, 1872, 6
Play Title: The Irish Tutor
Author: Earl of Glengall
Date Performed: Feb. 21, 1872
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thespian Association
Event: Exhibition
Cast List
Terry O'Rourke: P.Cochrane
Dr. Flail: H. Walker
Charles: T. Watson
Tillwell: E. B. Gambee
Tom: J. Wernert
John: D. Maloney
Beadle: J. Zimmer
Villagers, etc.
Source: Scholastic 5:?, March 2, 872, 6
Play Title: The Upstart
Author: Molière
Date Performed: May 21, 1872
Director: Prof. A. J. Stace
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The St. Cecelians
Event: Summer Entertainment of the St. Cecilains
Cast List
Mr. Jordan: C. A. Berdel
Old Mr. Jordan: C. J. Dodge
Cleon: D. J. Wile
Covielle: W. W. Dodge Doranto: M. M. Foote
Dorimenes: B. F. Roberts
Signore Profundo: J. F. McHugh
Signore Bassilio: S. E. Dum
Fiorello: J. A. Rumely
Figaro: C. E. Hutchings
Jeronimo: J. D. Spillard
Nicholas: M. M. Mahoney
Ali Bey: L. H. McOsker
Signore Crispino: P. P. Reilly
Giacomo: L. O. Hibben
Paolo: J. Quill
Beppo: J. Dunn
Pedro: J. Devine
Baptista: F. Egan
Carlo: V. McKinnon
Pasquela: A. Filson
Rigoletto: J. Quinlan
Filippo: J. Campbell
Poliuto: O. Waterman
Prestolo: E. Shea
Alvina: F. Arantz
Rigolo: F. Phelan
Francesco, etc.: E. S. Monahan, and others
Boum: P. Cooney
Fenail: E. Roberts
Bachisaid: F. McOsker
Kamyl: R. Hutchings
Faud Bob: D. Hogan
Haroun: J. Hogan
Selim: W. Fletcher
Moub: G. Duffy
Lianef: B. Hughes
Abdelkish: W. Kelly
Alraschid: W. Meyers
Pompey: J. Shanks
Cuffey: H. Hunt
Notes: all female characters were ommitted
Source: Scholastic 5:?, May 25, 1872, 4
Play Title: Venice Preserved
Author: Otway
Date Performed: June 25, 1872
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thespians
Event: 28th Annual Commencement
Cast List
Duke of Venice: T. Ireland
Priuli: H.W. Walker
Bedamar: J. Wernert
Jaffier: P.E.Cochrane
Pierre: T. Watson
Renault: T. O'Mahony
Spinosa: D.E. Maloney
Elliot: P.J. O'Connell
Theodore: J. Zimmer
Mezzana: J. McAllister
Durand: J. Rourke
Captain of the Guard: J. L. Noonan
Officer: G.L. Riopelle
Orlando: L.P.C. Godfroy
Notes: Reviewed in Scholastic 5:?, July 20, 1872, 3.
Source: Scholastic 5:?, June 22, 1872, 6.
Play Title: Farce A Sudden Arrival
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: June 25, 1872
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thespians
Event: 28th Annual Commencement
Cast List
Cornelius Cocker: T. Ireland
Marmaduke Twist: D.E. Maloney
Resolute Crammer: H.W. Walker
Bounceable Bang: P.J. O'Connell
Marplot Mooner: J. Rourke
Porters: J. Wernert, T. Fitzpatrick
Notes: Reviewed Scholastic 5:?, July 20, 1872, 3.
Source: Scholastic 5:?, June 22, 1872, 6
Play Title: The Upstart
Author: Moliere
Date Performed: June 26, 1872
Director: Prof. A. J. Stace
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Cecilia Philomathean Association
Event: 28th Annual Commencement
Cast List
Mr. Jordan: C. A. Berdel
Old Mr. Jordan: C. J. Dodge
Cleon: D. J. Wile
Covielle: W. W. Dodge Doranto: M. M. Foote
Dorimenes: B. F. Roberts
Signore Profundo: J. F. McHugh
Signore Bassilio: S. E. Dum
Fiorello: J. A. Rumely
Figaro: C. E. Hutchings
Jeronimo: J. D. Spillard
Nicholas: M. M. Mahoney
Ali Bey: L. H. McOsker
Signore Crispino: P. P. Reilly
Giacomo: L. O. Hibben
Paolo: J. Quill
Beppo: J. Dunn
Pedro: J. Devine
Baptista: F. Egan
Carlo: V. McKinnon
Pasquela: A. Filson
Rigoletto: J. Quinlan
Filippo: J. Campbell
Poliuto: O. Waterman
Prestolo: E. Shea
Alvina: F. Arantz
Rigolo: F. Phelan
Francesco, etc.: E. S. Monahan, and others
Boum: P. Cooney
Fenail: E. Roberts
Bachisaid: F. McOsker
Kamyl: R. Hutchings
Faud Bob: D. Hogan
Haroun: J. Hogan
Selim: W. Fletcher
Moub: G. Duffy
Lianef: B. Hughes
Abdelkish: W. Kelly
Alraschid: W. Meyers
Pompey: J. Shanks
Cuffey: H. Hunt
Notes: Reviewed in Scholastic 5:?, June 29, 1872, 7.
Source: Scholastic 5:?, June 22, 1872, 6.
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