Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1883/1884 Academic Year
Play: Cataline
Author: Ben Jonson
Date Performed: October 13, 1883
Producing Organization: The Euglossian Association
Event: The Celebration of Festival of St. Edward
Cast List
Cicero: E. A. Otis
Lentulus: A. Browne
Caesar: J. Solon
Autronius: H. Sties
Catiline: D. Saviers
Petrius: J. E. Rudge
Cassius: J. Conway
Faesulanus: F. Callaghan
Cethegus: O. Spencer
Sextus: W. C. Orchard
Manlius: A. Coll
Mettelus: J. Kliber
Source: Scholastic 17:7, October 20, 1883, 92, 104.
Play: The New Arts
Author: Rev. Edward Sorin
Date Performed: Nov 23, 1883
Director: Unknown
Producing Organization: Unknown
Event: Anniversary of Father General's Arrival at Notre Dame a
and 100 Minims in attendance
Cast List
Master William: Ryan Devereux
Master John Smyth: B.B. Lindsey
Mr. Wright: R.A. Morrison
Mr. Fairbanks: M. O'Kane
Capt. Jones: C. West
Master Richard: F. I. Otis
Master Julius: R. Papin
Master Edward: J. Wright
Master Charles: J. Devereux
Master Pierre: W. McPhee
Master Otto: J.M. Studebaker
Master Louis: W.P. Devine
Master Joseph: G. Landewich
Sam: W. Welch
Joe: J. Kraus
Country Boys: W. Prindiville, F. Nester, W. Stange, H. Schmitz,
J. McGrath, V. Rebori
Notes: A month later, this same play was performed at St. Mary's College with an all-female cast.
Source: Scholastic ?:?, Nov 24 1883, 188.
Play: The Malediction
Author: translated from the French by J. A. Lyons
Date Performed: Dec. 17, 1883
Director: J. A. Lyons
Producing Organization: St. Cecilia Philomathea Association
Event: In honor of Rev. President Walsh in anticipation of the
festival of his patronal, St. Thomas
Cast List
Don Vasco de Gomez: F. Dexter
Don Alonzo: Henry Foote
Don Lopez: F. Hagenbarth
Pedrillo: D. G. Taylor
Tarik: J. McDonnell
Pedro: W. Mahon
Fabricio: W. Schott
Ibrahin: W. Mugg
Juanino: J. H. Fendrich
Mendoza: G. Schaefer
Marietto: J. Courtney
Basilio: E. Wile
Sancho: J. Devine
Virginio: T. Cassily
Leandro: W. Mulkern
Abdallah: J. Monschein
Jirmibeehlick: C. Stubbs
Melggi: J. Smith
Tchad: E. Gerlach
Abdul: C. Holbrook
Gensaro: R. Devereux
Virgilio: F. Grothaus
Madrido: C. Muhler
Don Columbo: W. Henry
Don Stacio: A. Miller
Don Philippo: J. Houck
Don Tomazo: G. Costigan
Tabriz: J. Reynolds
Kelat: T. Hagerty
Frebizonde: F. Halligan
Don Miguel: J. Garrity
Epilogue...: D.G. Taylor
Notes: Master Geo. Schaefer sang during the play. A. A. Browne acted as Prompter.
Source: Scholastic ?:?, Dec. 19, 1883, 249-50, 285.
Play: Box and Coxa Romance of Real Life in One Act [1847]
Author: John Maddison Morton
Date Performed: Jan. 9, 1884
Director: J. A. Lyons
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Euglossian and Orpheonic Associations
Cast List
Box (a printer): William Ramsay
Cox (a hatter): E. A. Otis
Bouncer: W. H. Bailey
Note: Also see the 1866 Cox and Box: The Long Lost Brother, a comic opera in one act by Arthur Sullivan and librettist F. C. Burnand [Sir Francis Cowley], for which this play provided the source.
Source: Scholastic ?:?, Jan. 12, 1884, 281.
Play: Louis XI
Author: Unknown
Date: Feb. 22, 1884
Director: Prof. J.A. Lyons
Producing Organization: Thespians
Event: Washington's Birthday
Cast List
Louis XI: C.A. Tinley
The Dauphin: H. Foote
Duke de Nemours: O. Spencer
Francois de Paule: E. A. Otis
Phillip le Comines: J. Solon
Armand de Comines: W.E. Ramsay
Marcel: W.H. Bailey
Oliver de Dain: D. Saviers
Jacques Coitier: W. Johnston
Cardinal D'Alby: T.E. Steele
Tristan L'Ermite: H. Steis
Count de Dreux: S. Dickerson
Montjoie: H. Porter
Pierrot: A.A. Brown
Richard: C.C. Kolars
Didier: W. Orchard
Officer of Royal Guard: T. McKinnery
Lords, French and Burgundian Knights, Pages, Peasants, etc.
Source: Scholastic 17:?, February 23, 1884, 381.
Play: Retribution
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: March 15, 1884
Director: Prof. J.A. Lyons
Producing Organization: Columbian Literary and Dramatic Club
Event: St. Patrick's Day Celebration
Cast List
Squire Hilton: W. Rogers
Marmaduke Hilton: D. Reach
Alphonsus: L. Gibert
Dick Harvey: P. Galarnean
Major Lookout: P. Howard
Teddy O'Neil: P. Warren
Captain De Balzac: W. Dennis
Andy: W. Mahon
Tom: R. O'Kane
Mike: J. McMurray
Joe: W. Bowers
John Jennison: J. Wagner
Sergeant Dundreary: J. Shields
Sources The Notre Dame Scholastic, March 15, 1884, Volume 17, p. 429.
Play Title: Scenes from Shakespeare
Author: William Shakespeare
Date Performed: April 24, 1884
Director: Prof. Joseph A. Lyons
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Euglossians Association
Event: Euglossian Festival, Annual Shakespeare Entertainment
Cast List
Richard III - Act I
King Henry V: H. Foote
Richard: F. Dexter
"The Seven Ages": J. Devereux
"The Last of the Narwhale": J. J. Bannigan
Scene from Julius Ceasar - Act II
Cassius: J. J. Conway
Brutus: H. Foote
Casca: T. Callaghan
Scene from Henry VIII
Wolsey: J. Solon
Scene from Henry IV
Hotspur: A. A. Browne
Falstaff: D. Taylor
"Tempest of the Heart": W. E. Ramsey
"The Miser": E. A. Otis
Othello: J. Kleiber
Scenes from Hamlet
Hamlet: J. Hagenbarth
Ghost: C. Porter
First Gravedigger: J. Monschein
Second Gravedigger: C. Mason
Horatio: J. McDonald
"How's so Fair": W. Devine
Soldier's Pardon: J. Garrity
Characteristic Speech: O. B. Spencer
Quarrel scene from Julius Ceasar
Cassius: G. E. Clarke
Brutus: C. A. Tinley
Scene from The Merchant of Venice
Duke of Venice: E. A. Otis
Shylock: D. Saviers
Merchantof Venice: W. E. Ramsey
Portio: J. J. Conway
Bassanio: O. B. Spencer
Gratiano: J. Carroll
Nerissa: J. Fitzgerald
Source: Scholastic 17:?, April 26, 1884, 520-21, 524-25.
Play: The Original Egyptian
Date: May 14, 1884
Producing Organization: St. Stanislaus' Philopatrian Society
Event: Twelfth Annual Entertainment,
complimentary to Rev. Alexis Granger
Cast List
Ginger Blue: C. Harris
Dr. Galen: C. Mason
Captain Rifle: L. Scheurman
Charles: A. Adler
O'Leary: J. Hagerty
Schoolmaster: G. Houck
Mr. Patent: W. Breen
Lucius: W. Wright
Trumpeteer: E. J. Howard
Sources The Notre Dame Scholastic, May 17, 1884, Volume 17, p. 573.
Play: The Prince of Portage Prairie
Author: Faculty member
Date Performed: May 14, 1884
Director: Prof. Lyons
Producing Organization: St. Stanislaus' Philopatrian Society
Event: Twelfth Annual Entertainment,
complimentary to Rev. Alexis Granger
Cast List
Prince: F. Curtis
Alexander: J. R. Devereux
Duke of Goshen: J. McGordon
Marquis of South Bend: C. Cavaroc
Hermit of the Valley: J. Fitzgerald
Dr. Pangloss: Carlisle Mason
G. Von Blinkensyderhouzinblitzer: G. Houck
Barber of Mishawaka: S. H. Holman
Necromancer of Niles: J. Crawford
A Water Spirit: J. Garrity
Uncle Josh: W. Reynolds
A. B. Butler: J. F. Nester
Bennet: W. Breen
First Courier: J. Kelly
Second Courier: G. Tarrant
Third Courier: P. Yrisarri
Fourth Courier: A. Wright
A Bugler: A. Eisenhauer
Captain: J. Henry
Fitz Porter: C. Duffin
First Servant: D. Regan
Second Servant: J. Menig
Third Servant: J. Rhodus
Fourth Servant: J. Williamson
Coquillard: G. Lewis
Jones: C. McGordon
Lt. Daniel Boone Pompey: A. Warner
Higby: A. Adler
Bacon: L. Scheurman
Clafficus: G. Tarrant
Gilbert: C. Dennis
Metzger: M. Loescher
Sitting Bull: A. Miller
Tecumseh: M. Kelly
Peshua: T. King
Nitau: G. Crilly
Spartacus: W. McCullough
Hole-in-the-Day: W. Houlihan
Black Hawk: T. Hetz
Zouves, Indians, Drummers, Buglers, ad libitum
Sources The Notre Dame Scholastic, May 17, 1884, Volume 17, p. 573.
Play: The Merchant of Venice[the trial scene]
Author: William Shakespeare
Date: June 20, 1884
Producing Organization: Euglossian Association
Event: Commencement, distribution of premiums to minims
Shylock: D. C. Saviers
Duke of Venice: E. A. Otis
Antonio: W. E. Ramsey
Portia: J. J. Conway
Bassanio: O. B. Spencer
Gratiano: J. T. Carroll
Nerissa: H. J. Fitzgerald
Sources The Notre Dame Scholastic, June 25, 1884, Volume 17:42, p. 670.
Play: Louis XI
Author: Dion Boucicault
Date: June 21, 1884
Producing Organization: Thespian Association
Event: 40th Annual Commencement
Louis XI: C. A. Tinley
The Dauphin: H. Foote
Duke de Nemours: O. Spencer
Francois de Paule: E. A. Otis
Philip le Comines: J. Solon
Armand de Comines: W. E. Ramsey
Marcel: W. E. Bailey
Oliver de Dain: D. C. Saviers
Jacques Coitier: W. H. Johnson
Tristan L'Ermite: H. Steis
Count de Dreux: S. Dickerson
Montjoie: H. Porter
Pierrot: A. A. Browne
Richard: C. C. Kolars
Didier: W. Orchard
Officers of Royal Gate: H. Paschal
Officers of Royal Guard: F. Rudge, C. Paschal, T. Callahan, T.
McKinnery, F. Shields
Lords, French, Bergundian Knights, Pages, Peasants, etc.
Notes: Adapted by Dion Boucicault.
Source: Scholastic 17:42, June 25, 1884, 670. 685.
last edited 6 April 2014 by MCP
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