Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1882/1883 Academic Year
Play: The Upstart
Author: Translated from Moliere's Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme
and adapted for the Euglossians by Professor J. A. Stace
Dates Performed: Thursday, Oct. 12, 1882, 4:00 P.M.
Director: Professor J. A. Lyons
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The Euglossians
Occasion: St. Edward's Day
Venue: "Academy of Music" (what would soon be the new Washington Hall)
--At the Thirty-Ninth Annual Festival of St. Edward, at Notre Dame, Indiana, Patronal Feast of Very Rev. Edward Sorin, C. S. C., Superior-General of the Congregation of the Holy Crosss, and Founder of Notre Dame Univeristy, on Thursday, October 12, 1882, at 4 p.m., the following programme was carried out:
Part First.
Music: "13th Regt. Quickstep," (Cogswell): N. D. U. C. B.
Latin Address: F. A. Quinn
Greek Address: W. H. Arnold
German Address: J. S. Courtney
Music: N. D. U. Quartette
Minim Address: J. J. McGrath
French Address: L. Gibert
Song and Chorus: Hunters' Bowl
D. Saviers, F. Quinn, J. O'Neill, W. Bailey, J. Larkin,
Jno. McIntyre, M. T. Burns, F. Kuhn, J. Marlett,
C. A. Tinley, Prof. F. B. Devoto.
Part Second.
(A Comedy in Three Acts, Translated from the French
by a Member of the Faculty, and arranged for the
Cast List
Mr. Jordan: W. S. Cleary
Old Mr. Jordan: E. A. Otis
Covielle: W. J. McCarthy
Cleon: M. T. Burns
Doranto: T. W. Coakley
Dorimenes: D. Saviers
Figaro: W. W. Bailey
Jeronimo: H. Morse
Nicholas: F. A. Quinn
Signor Crispino: J. Larkin
Ali Bey: W. H. Johnston
Leone: G. L. Castanedo
Giacomo: A. Coghlin
Beppo: J. Cole
Kamyl: W. Bolton
Francesco: J. Browne
Selim: T. F. Flynn
Bachaisard: J. Conway
Abdel Kish: E. Yrisarri
Alraschid: C. Kolars
Rigoletto: J. Marlett
Philippo: F. Wheatley
Prestolo: J. Guthrie
Alvino: W. Eaton
Fenail: O. Spencer
Rigolo: D. Claffey
Lorenzo: E. Munice
Baptista: E. Bailey
Carlo: W. Ayers
Pompey: H. Metz
Cuffey: E. Wile
Closing Remarks: Very Rev. E. Sorin
Music--"Emmett's Lullaby" (Bowman): N. D. U. C. B.
Notes:"Masters Metz and Wile as 'Cullud Pussons' walked the boards with great éclat, and were the observed of all observers."
Source: Scholastic 16:6, October 14, 1882, 92; 16:7, October 21, 1882, 104
Play Title: The New Arts
Author: Rev. Edward Sorin
Dates Performed: November, 1882
Producing Organization: Sorin Literary and Dramatic Association
Occasion: Fourtieth Anniversary of Fr. General's first mass at ND
Venue: Minims' study hall (St Edward's Hall)
Cast List
Master William: B. Lindsey
Mr. John Smyth: G. Costigan
Mr. Wright: J.J. McGrath
Mr. Fairbanks: R. Morrison
Captain Jones: G. Stamm
Master Richard: W. Devine
Master Julius: R.V. Papin
Master James: W. Devine
Master Charles: W. McPhee
Master Louis: Francis Otis
Master Otto: A. Roberts
Master Pierre: J. Devereux
Master Ames: A. Winsor
Master Walter: J. Wright
Sam: J. Hopkins
Joe: C. Metz
Country Boys: J. Chaves, F. Nester, A. Kelly, E. Walsh, W. Stange, W. Walsh
Source: Scholastic 16:13, December 2, 1882, 201. The earliest reference to this structure as "the new Washington Hall, in the Academy of music" appears to be in September 1882. See Washington Hall at Notre Dame, 106-108.
Play: If I Were a King
Author: Father Lemonnier
Date Performed: December 18, 1882
Director: J. A. Lyons
Producing Organization: St. Cecilia Philomathean Association
Occasion: 25th Annual Christmas Exercises of the Organization
Venue: the new Academy of Music
Cast List
Genaro: G. Schaeffer
Ferdinand: A. Browne
Alberto: J. Fendrich
Melchiore: M. Foote
Cecato: D.G. Taylor
Valerio: Jos. Courtney
Ruisco: H. Dunn
Don Gonsalvo: Jas. S. Courtney
Bozza: M. Dolan
Banquo: W. Jeannot
Stephano: C. Ackhoff
Silvio: F. Johnson
Philippo: H. Foote
Baptista: W. Schott
Marco: E. Dillon
Tomazo: H. Hess
Alonzo: J. Kahman
Orazzio: H. Bush
Marino: W. Mugg
Verdi: F. Brice
Beppo: J. Hagenbarth
Lino: J. Smith
Lupo: J. McDonald
Guido: E. Gerlach
Cerano: W. Bacon
Dorio: C. Porter
Leandro: G. De Haven
Lucio: R. Reach
Pedro: M. O'Connor
Urso: H. Sells
Marzo: J. Halligan
Giovanni: P. Warren
Hugoni: W. Worcester
Crescio: A. Schillo
Soldiers, Attendants, etc.:
Grand Chorus: Orpheonic Club
Notes: No names given in source for "Soldiers, Attendants,
etc." Solos performed by Masters Schaeffer and Johnson. This play was
written specifically for the St. Cecilia Philomathean Association. Also
performed in 1879-1880 school year on December 20. The organization
received the greatest of praise from all mebers of the Notre Dame
community, students and faculty.
Source: Scholastic 16:15, December 16, 1882, 236; 16:16, December 23, 1882, 248-9.
Play: Julius Caesar
Author: William Shakespeare
Date Performed: Wednesday, February 21, 1883, 5:30 P.M.
Director: Professor J. A. Lyons
Producing Organization: Thespian Association
Occasion: Washington's Birthday Exhibition
Venue: Academy of Music
Cast List
Julius Caesar: Elmer A. Otis
Octavius Caesar: Harry Noble
Marc Antony: W. S. Cleary
M. Aemil. Lepidus: Albert Zahm
Marcus Brutus: Charles A. Tinley
Cassius: George E. Clarke
Casca: Joseph O'Neill
Cinna: T. Ewing Steele
Claudius: H. W. Morse
Trebonius: W. S. Bolton
Mettelus Cimber: W. J. O'Connor
Ligarius: Frank A. Quinn
Claudius: Thos. J. Flynn
Popilius: F. E. Kuhn
Crito: M. T. Burns
Cicero: Jas. Solon
Lapidus: M. E. Donahue
Massella: J. C. Larkin
Volumnius: J. Malloy
Titinius: Jos. F. Grever
Strato: R. M. Anderson
Lucilius: S. Dickerson
Pindarus: A. P. Call
Clito: J. A. McIntyre
Flavius: J. Peters
Marullus: W. F. Gallagher
Soothsayer: John B. O'Reilly
Lucius: D. C. Saviers
Varro: E. J. Fenlon
Artemidorus: O. B. Spencer
Servius: B. Scholfield
Dardanius: F. W. Wheatly
Citizens, Ensign-Bearers and Guards- by J. R. Marlette, J. C. Ashford, J. E. Walsh, G. Smith, N. Comerford
J. Kleiber, H. Whitman, H. Ratterman, A. Coghlin, J. Conway, C. C. Kolars
A. Jones, B. Eaton, J. Start, E. Yrisarri and J. Guthrie.
Source: Scholastic 16:24, February 24, 1883, 364.
Play: Macbeth
Author: William Shakespeare
Date Performed: Saturday eve, May 12, 1883
Director: Professor J. A. Lyons
Producing Organization: Columbian Literary and Dramatic Society
Occasion: Dedicated to Rev. Fr. J. M. Toohey, C.S.C., Vice-President and Prefect of Discipline
Music: N. D. U. C. B.
Chorus: Orpheonics
Address: C. A. Tinley
Music: Orchestra
Prologue: J. Farrell
(A Tragedy in Five Acts, arranged especially
for the occasion.)
Dramatis Personae
Duncan, King of Scotland: W. H. Johnston
Malcolm, His Sons: J. F. Grever
Donalbain: F. Kaufman
Macbeth, Generals of the King's Army: J. B. O'Reilly
Banquo: J. J. Conway
Macduff, Scottish Chiefs: J. Marlette
Lenox: A. P. Coll
Rosse: W. Ruger
August: E. O'Brien
Fleance: C C. Kolars
Siward: T. Lally
Seyton: L. Mathers
L. Macbeth: D. C. Saviers
Hectate: L. Austin
First Witch: O. Spencer
Second Witch: W. Cleary
Third Witch: E. Witwer
Physician: F. Monahan
First Officer: H. Fitzgerald
Second Officer: J. Keller
Attendants: A. Jones, J. Kleiber, F. Black, G. H. Smith, D. Claffey, T. Ashford, A. Grout
Officers, Soldiers, Assasins, Mesengers, etc.:
Instrumental Music: University Orchestra
Vocal Music: Orpheonics
Epilogue: H. Morse
Closing Remarks: ----
Music: N. D. U. C. B.
Source: Scholastic 16:35, May 12, 1883, 556; 16:36, May 19, 1883, 568-9.
Play: The Prodigal Law Student
Date Performed: May 19, 1883
Director: Professor J. A. Lyons
Producing Organization: St. Stanislaus Philopatrian Association
Occasion: In honor of the Very Rev. A. Granger
Venue: Academy of Music (but closing remarks of Fr. Murphy referred to as in 'Washington Hall')
Cast List
Frederick: Henry Metz
Mr. Martin: P. Warren
Angelo: E. Willie
Gen. Watson, U.S.A.: J. R. Devereux
Pumpernicle Nicodemus Geizhalz A. Schillo: Alfred
A. Brewster
Mr. Richards: L. Gilbert
Prof. Allgood: C. Foster
Admiral Ross, U.S.N.: J. McGrath
Minor Roles: Cassily, Livingston, J. Nester, Fishel, Berthelet, Cavaroc, Ryan, W. Henry,
Hagerty, T. McGrath, Seegers, Curtis,Dennis, Waixel, P. Yrisarri, Dorenberg,
J. Henry, Hibbeler, Kengel, Subert, Danielson
Source: Scholastic, May 26, 1883, 16:37, 585
Play: King Henry IV
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates Performed: June 6, 1883
Director: J. A. Lyons
Musical director: Prof. Paul
New Scenery: Prof. Ackermann
Producing Organization: Annual Summer Entertainment of the St. Cecilia Philomathean Society, commemorating the Silver Jubilee of the organization, complimentary to Very Rev. Father Sorin who did not arrive in time "to the regret of all."
Venue: Washington Hall
Cast List
Harry Percy: A. Browne
Sir John Falstaff: D. Taylor
Henry IV, King of England: M. Foote
Harry Monmouth: C. Porter
Prince John of Lancaster: G. Schaefler
Earl of Westmoreland: E. Dillon
Sir Walter Blount: M. O'Connor
Thomas Percy: M. Dolan
Archibald, Earl of Douglas: H. Dunn
Henry Percy: W. Mug
Ethelbert, Royal Usher: H. G. Foote
Poins: W. Jeannot
Bardolph: J. McDonnell
Gadshill: W. Bacon
Peto: D. Reach
Francis: W. Schott
Roby: J. Brice
Geoffry, Sheriff: J. Hagenbarth
Jack Quickley: J. Smith
Anselm: E. Gerlach
Gregory: F. Johnson
Schmalzgruber: F. Kengel
Alexis: J. Fendrich
Eustace: J. Khman
Alfred: C. Zeigler
George: G. De Haven
Edward: J. Courney
Guards of Honor: A. Brewster, P. Warren, J. Halligan, A. Schillo, C. Foster, F. Fishel
H. Metz, H. Hess.
Notes:"Soon after the play, the curtain was raised, and the characters of the Drama were discovered artistically grouped, and by the aid of the usual red lights, etc., a fine tableau was presented" (Scholastic 16:39, June 9, 1883, 618).
Source: Scholastc 16:39, June 9, 1883, 604.
Play: Antigone
Author: Sophocles
Dates Performed: June 19, 1883
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Greek Classes of the University - Hellenists
Venue: Washington Hall in the Academy of Music
Cast List
Antigone: F. A. Quinn
Ismene: W. J. O'Connor
Creon: A. F. Zahm
Haemon: M. E. Donohue
Teiresias: J. J. Molloy
Guard: W. S. Cleary
First Messenger: N. H. Ewing
Second Messenger: T. E. Steele
Eurydike: F. W. Gallagher
Choragos: M. T. Burns
Herald: S. J. Dickerson
Mythermeneus: J. R. Peters
Attendants on Antigone: W. J. Schott
Attendants on Ismene: G. H. Schaeffer
F. R. Johnson: J. S. Courtney
Attendants on Creon: J. M. Livingston
Attendants on Eurydike: H. D. Hibbeler
E. A. Dillon: J. A. Devine
"Helikiotes" with Haemon: G. H. Smith
Boy attendant on Teiresias: W. D. Henry
Sentinels with Phylax: W. W. Gray
"Threnetae" for Antigone: J. F. Fendrich
R. Fitzgerald: J. F. Kahman
J. A. McIntyre: T. F. Ryan
C. Kaufman: J. F. Nester
Chorus of Theban Old Men: M. T. Burns, E. A. Otis, M. S. Foote, L. G. Gibert, J. W. Guthrie,
J. P. Keller, J. P. O'Neill, J. F. Grever, D. C. Saviers, W. H. Arnold,
H. G. Foote, E. I. Wile, A. P. Coll, F. E. Kuhn, W. E. Ruger, J. M. Murphy,
J. J. Gallagher
Production Staff
Set Design: Signor Luigi Gregori
Costumes: Signor Luigi Gregori
Music Composer: Brother Anselm
Source: Scholastic 16:41, June 21, 1883, 646-647.
last edited by Mark Pilkinton, April 27, 2012
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