Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1885/1886 School Year
Play Title: Pizzaro
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: Oct. 12 1885
Director: Prof. Lyons
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Euglossian Asociation
Event: 42nd annual Festival of St. Edward
Cast List
Pizzaro: F.H. Dexter
Rolla: C. Harris:
Alonzo: F.J. Hagenbrath
Elviro: C.J. Stubbs
Ataliba: S. Murdock
Las Casas: D. Brynes
Pedro: C.E. Finlay
Valverde: R.B. Goodfellow
Orozembo: F. Combe
Almagro: W. Jess
Adolpho: J. Keegan
Dovilla: J. Daly
Gomez: B. Kreutzer
Hipolito: J. Wagoner
Orano: A.Miller
Topac: Master J. Garrity
Cosamero: A.A. Gordon
Carlos: R. Snapp
Flabeo: A.S. Williams
Gonzalo: H. Long
Basileo: J. Hamlyn
Phillipo: A.S. Triplett
Alonzo's Child: Little Charlie Grant
Peruvian Soldiers: E. Burritt, J. Dohany, J.
Spanish Soldiers: F. Soden, J. Crawford, Dempsey, J. Crowe, V. Padilla,
P. Prudhomme, A. McNulty, J. Nester, J. Frash, V. Stickney, A.A Gordon
Notes: This festival was given in honor of the very Rev.
Edward Sorin, superior-general of the congregation of Holy Cross,
and founder of Notre Dame.
Sources The Notre Dame Scholastic, Oct. 17, 1885 p.101
Play Title: Cato (Senate Scene)
Author: Addison
Date Performed: Nov. 21, 1885
Director: Prof. Paul
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Philomathean,/Euglossians Associations
Event: Festival of St. Cecilia
Cast List
Cato: S.T. Murdock
Sempronius: M. A. Dolan
Lucis: T. Sheridan
Decius: J. Rahilly
Junius: A. Gordon
Marius: R. Goodfellow
Juba: Jno. Wagner
Notes: This scene also contained solos, a selection from
Shakespeare, an oration, and various other musical: performancesA
review of this scene is given in The Notre Dame Scholastic, Nov. 28,
1885 p193. The scene
was given: positive reviews, calling the characters "spirited" and showing "great profienciency in voice-
Sources: The Notre Dame Scholastic, Nov. 28, 1885 p193, 197. Vol. 19
Play Title: If I Were A King
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: Dec. 19, 1885
Director: Prof. Lyons
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Cecilia Philomathean Association
Event: 28th Annual Winter Entertainment of the St. Ceclia Philomathean Association
Cast List
Genaro: P.C. Cavaroc
Ferdinand: E.J. Darragh
Alberto: J. Garrity
Melchiore: R. Newton
Cecato: W. Wabraushek
Valerio: R. Oxnard
Ruisco: P. VD. Brownson
Don Gonsalvo: Jos. Courtney
Bozza: G. Meyers
Banquo: A. A. Cooper
Stephano: D.C. Regan
Silvio: M. O'Kane
Phillipo: E. Porter
Baptisto: J. Fisher
Marco: W.Houlihan
Tomazo: L. Preston
Alonzo: E. Dillon
Orazzo: W. Arts
Marino: F. Long
Verdi: P.H. Levin
Beppo: F. Nester
Carlo: C. Spencer
Lupo: L. Chute
Guido: C. Ruffing
Leo: C. West
Lucio: J. Fitzgerald
Pedro: W.H. Robinson
Urso: E.D. Ewing
Cerano: T.A. Goebel
Eduardo: S. Holman
Hugoni: W. Borgshulze
Crescio: F. Smith
Giovani: H. McConn
Ludivico: C. Shields
Stello: E. Prudhomme
Fabiano: J. Jacobs
Mardzo: E. Berry
Jacobo: J. McVeigh
Bozza: G. Meyers
Notes: This Festival was complimentary to Rev. President Walsh
Sources: The Notre Dame Scholastic, Dec. 21, 1885 p. 245 Vol 19
Play Title: Cherry Bounce
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: Jan. 16, 1886
Director: Unknwon
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Euglossian Association
Event: Close of the Holiday Season
Cast List
Mr. Oldrents: Chas. J. Stubbs
Gregory Homespun: F. Dexter
Mrs. Homespun: C.E. Finlay
Gammon: M.T.White
Spinage: A.A.Gordon
"Jep": J.D.Craford
Sources: The Notre Dame Scholastic, Jan 23, 1886, Vol. 19, p. 310.
Play Title: The Minims of Notre Dame
Author: Father Sorin
Date Performed: Feb. 6, 1886
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Sorin Literary and Dramatic Association
Event: 72nd Anniversay of Very Rev. Father General
Sorin's birthday
Cast List
John: C. Mooney
James: J.McIntosh
Charles: F.Cobbs
Otto: R.Graham
Julius: F.Crotty
Basil: A.Nester
Francis: J.McNulty
Gregory: W.McGill
Hugh: C.Nealis
Louis: C.Scherrer
Gerard: F.Dunford
George: B.Nealis
Arthur: A.Sullivan
Joseph: S.Ciarcoschi
Albert: L.Riordan
Robert: E.Doss
Ernest: R.Munro
Herbert: S.Jones
William: E.Scherrer
Frederick: W.Bailey
Sources: The Notre Dame Scholastic, Feb. 6, 1886, Vol. 19, p. 341.
Play Title: Julius Caesar
Author: William Shakespere
Date Performed: Feb. 22, 1886
Director: Prof. J.A. Lyons
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The Thespians
Event: 42nd annual celebration of Washington's Birthday
Cast List
Julius Caesar: S.T. Murdock
Brutus: F.J. Hagenbrath
Cassius: F.H. Dexter
Marc Antony: D. Latshaw
Casca: J. Kleiber
Octavius Caesar: M.A. Dolan
Trebonius: J. Wagoner
Decius: B. Becker
Pindarus: F. Combe
Lucius: P. Chapin
Servius: C. Paschal
Titinius: A. W. Miller
Metellus: H. Paschal
Cinna: W. Harless
Popilius Lenas: J. Keegan
Flavius: W. Breen
Clitus(Soothsayer): H. Long
Artimidorus: J. Rahilly
Dardinus: A.A. Gordon
Cicero: J. Conlon
Varro: M. White
Coelius: Albert Gordon
Nemius: R. Snapp
Notes: This play received press notices from The South Bend
Tribune (Feb. 23) which is presented on p. 389 of: The Notre Dame
Sources: The Notre Dame Scholastic Feb. 27, 1886 p. 389 Vol 19
Play Title: Richard III
Author: William Shakespeare
Date Performed: March 17, 1886
Director: Prof. Lyons
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Columbian Literary and Dramatic Society
Event: St. Patrick's Day
Cast List
Duke of Gloster: C. Harris
Earl of Richmond: J.Rahilly
King Henry VI: P.McGuire
Lord Stanley: Wm. Harless
Duke of Buckingham: J.J.Hamlyn
Sir Wm. Catesby: H.Paschel
Tressel: C.Combe
Sir Richard Ratcliff: H.Long
Duke of Norfolk: G.Houck
Lieutenant of the Tower: Walter Breen
Officer: O.Ryan
Sir James Tirrel: L.Bolton
Lord Brandon: M.White
Lord Mayor of London: C.Duffin
Earl of Pembroke: S.Williams
Forrest: A.Gordon
Attendant: F.Soden
SirThomas Vaughan: J.V.O'Donnell
Lord Rivers: J.Bates
Gray: G.Crilly
Hastings: F.Jewett
Prince Edward: Master W.McPhee
Duke of York: Master J.E.Berry
Lords, Officers, Citizens, Pages, etc., etc.
Sources: The Notre Dame Scholastic, March 20, 1886, Vol. 19, p. 437.
Play Title: The Editor's Troubles
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: May 13, 1886
Director: Prof. Lyons
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Stanislaus Philopatrian Society
Event: 14th Annual Entertainment of the Association
Cast List
Lemuel Foozle: S. Nussbaum
Dunlahey: T. Hake
William Shadow: J.McIntosh
Stephen Palmer: M.Hoffman
Jim Bloodsoe: R.Frain
Pinchpenny: W.Konzen
Chawley: A.Redlich
Sources: The Notre Dame Scholastic, May 15, 1886, Vol. 19, p. 565
Play Title: The Rightful Heir
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: May 13, 1886
Director: Prof. Lyons
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Stanislaus Philopatrian Society
Event: 14th Annual Entertainment of the Association
Cast List
Stanislaus, King of Sarmatia: G.Meehan
Prince Rudolph: A. McVeigh
Edmund: W.McPhee
Oberto: D.C. Regan
Elvino: E.Berry
Basilio Duke of Lithuania: A. Hoye
Starow: L.Scherrer
Kalig: G.Tarrant
Molino: I.Bunker
Bonifacio: C.Senn
Edgar: A.Ruffing
Alberto: J.Gordon
Reginald: H.Ackerman
Eduardo: R.Frain
Godfrey: M.Hoffman
Adolpho: H.Houston
Utobal: G.Brabrook
Frederico: J.McIntosh
Adil: L.Bacigalupo
Gioberto: W.J.Neali
Francisco: A. Press
Sources: The Notre Dame Scholastic, May 15, 1886, Vol. 19, p. 565.
Play Title: King Henry IV
Author: William Shakespeare
Date Performed: June 10, 1886
Director: Prof. Lyons
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Cecilia Philomathean Association
Event: 28th Annual Summer Entertainment
Cast List
Henry IV: E.J. Darragh
Harry Percy: P.C.Cavaroc
Sir John Falstaff: W. Wabraushek
Harry Monmouth: R.Newton
Prince John of Lancaster: R. Oxnard
Earl of Westmoreland: M. O'Kane
Sir Walter Blount: J. Garrity
Thomas Percy: M.Mulkern
Archibald, Earl of Douglas: F. Long
Henry Percy: W. Arts
Sir Richard Vernon: D. Regan
Poins: J. Courtney
Bardolph: P.Jacobs
Gadshill: C.Shields
Peto: E.Prudhomme
Francis: J.Fisher
Roby: C.Ruffing
Geoffrey: J. Fitzgerald
Jack Quickly: E. Dillon
Ethelbert: P.Wagoner
Anselm: C. Spencer
Gregory: S.Smith
Stanley: L.Chute
Alexis: T.Goebel
Eustace: E.Adelsperger
Schmalzgruber: H.Robinson
Rollo: F.Fehr
Edward: E.Ewig
Guards of Honor: F.Nester, WHoulihan, E. Benner, W. Borgshulze
Lords, Attendants, Officers, Soldiers, etc.
Sources: The Notre Dame Scholastic, June 12, 1886, Vol. 19, p. 630.
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