Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1886/1887 School Year
Play Title: The Merchant of Venice (Court Scene)
Author: William Shakespeare
Date Performed: Oct. 12, 1886
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Eulogossians Associaton and Musical Societies
Event: St. Edward's Day
Cast List
Antonio: J.J. Kleiber
Bassanio: C.J. Stubbs
Duke Of Venice: Jno. Wagoner
Shylock: B.T. Becker
Portia: D.A. Latshaw
Gratiano: G. Houck
Nerissa: M. Mulkern
Salarino: L. Grever
Secretary: J. Cusack
Officers of the Court and other Attendants
Notes: This play was part of the entertainment for St.
Edward's Day. A complete synopsis of the festival can be found in the
'Timely Topics'section of the Notre Dame Scholoastic , Oct 16, 1886,
Sources The Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol 20 Oct 16, 1886, p116.
Play Title: A Legend of the Patent Office
Date Performed: Nov.20, 1886
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Cecilia and Euglossian Association
Event: Festival of St. Cecilia
Cast List
Mr. Bland Smyle: C.P. Neill
Stephenson Gearing: E. Darragh
Lord Adolphus Firstwater: D. Latshaw
Lord Augustus Firstwater: B.T. Becker
John Gearing: M. Mulkern
Drudge: C. Stubbs
Nibs: M. Dore
Fudds: J. Cusack
Notes: This play was part of the entertainment for St.
Cecilia's Day. A complete synopsis of the festival can be found in the
Notre Dame Scholoastic , Nov. 27, 1886, p.210-213
Sources The Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol 20 OctNov. 27, 1886, p213.
Play Title: The Father's Curse
Date Performed: Dec. 18, 1886
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Cecilia Philomahean Association
Event: 29th Annual Christmas Exercises
Cast List
Don Vasco De Gomez: E.J. Darragh
Don Alonzo: W. Mc Phee
Don Lopez: F. Long
Tarik: W. Austin
Pedro: C.J. Stubbs
Pedrillo: W. Henry
Fabricio: W. McKenzie
Ibrahim: T. Goebel
Juanino: J. Fisher
Mendoza: E. Berry
Marietto: H.P. Vhay
Basilio: C.H. Spencer
Sancho: L. Preston
Virginio: C. Cavanaugh
Leandro: G. Meehan
Abdallah: P. Wagoner
Jirmibeehlich: L. Chute
Melgig: E. Adelsperger
Tchad: W. McKendry
Abdul: M. Luther
Gensaro: W. Welch
Virgilio: M. Falter
Madrido: E. Ewing
Don Columbo: M. Renyolds
Don Stacio: A. Morrison
Don Philippo: W. Clifford
Don Tomazo: J. Hayes
Tabriz: A. McGurk
Kelat: S. Nussbaum
Frebizonde: R. Oxnard
Don Miguel: J. McGurk
Le Begas: W. White
Soldiers, Lackeys, etc.
Notes: Theis play was part of the evening entertainment. A
review and synopsis of the play, along with the summary of the day's
events, is found on p.262,-267 of The Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 20
Dec. 20, 1886.
Sources The Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol 20, Dec. 20, 1886, p. 267
Play Title: William Tell
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: Feb 21, 1887
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Thespians
Event: Washington's Birthday
Cast List
Gesler: Bernard T. Becker
Sarnem: Charles F. Stubbs
William Tell: Donald A. Latshaw
Albert: Christopher Mooney
Nicholas: Edward Dwyer
Melctal: Samuel T. Murdock
Verner: George F. Houck
Erni: John P. Cusack
Furst: Michael B. Mulkern
Rodolph: A. Gibbs
Lutold: S.W. Dorsey
Gerard: C.Combe
Michael: T.S. McDermott
Pierre: A.Triplett
Savoyard: A.McFarland
Sources The Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 20, Feb. 26, 1887, p. 397.
Play Title: Damon and Pythias
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: March 17, 1887
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Columbian Association
Event: St. Patrick's Day
Cast List
Damon: T.O'Regan
Pythias: L.Greever
Dionysius: Philip VD. Brownson
Damacles: H.Hull
Procles: Geo. F. O'Kne
Philistius: G. Crilly
Lucullus: W. Henry
First Senator: A. Gordon
Second Senator: W. Akin
Third Senator: C. Duffin
Fourth Senator: E. Porter
Fifth Senator: D. Quill
Child of Damon: F. Crotty
Callicles: A. McFarland
Hermes: P. Burke
Soldiers, Citizens, etc.
Notes: Performed in honor of Rev. John A. Zahm, C.S.C., Vice-President of the University.
Sources The Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 20, March19, 1887, p. 448.
Play Title: Humbug
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: May 25, 1887
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Stanislaus' Philopatrian Association
Event: Fifteenth Annual Entertainment
Cast List
Ginger Blue: I. Bunker
Dr. Galen: F. Lane
Captain Rifle: E. Berry
Charles: W. Henry
O'Leary: B. O'Kane
Schoolmaster: W. Konzen
Mr. Patent: R. Nations
Lucius: H. Bronson
Trumpeter: J. Badger
Notes: Performed in honor of Rev. A. Granger, C.S.C.
Sources The Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 20, May 28, 1887, p. 610.
Play Title: The Prince of Portage Prairie
Author: Unknown
Date Performed: May 25, 1887
Director: Unknown
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: St. Stanislaus' Philopatrian Association
Event: Fifteenth Annual Entertainment
Cast List
The Prince: E. Berry
Alexander: J. McIntosh
Duke of Goshen: J. Monarch
Marquis of South Bend: T. Wilbanks
Hermit of the Valley: D. J. Stephens
Dr. Pangloss: J. Casey
G. Von Blinkensnyderhouzinblitzer W. Konzen: Necromancer of Niles
F. Dunford
Ambassador: M. McCart
Barber of Mishawaka: A. Redlich
A Water Spirit: E. Doss
Uncle Josh: W. J. Henry
A.B. Butler: J. Badger
Bennet: J. McNulty
First Courier: W. Ramsey
Second Courier: F. Glenn
Third Courier: H. Brownson
Fourth Courier: H. Lane
Coquillard: I. Bunker Jones: L. Preston
Lieut. Daniel Boone Pompey: J. Doss
Higby: L. Macatee
Bacon: B. Inks
Clafficus: L. Decker
Gilbert: J. Coad
Metzger: L. Dunning
Sitting Bull: S. Nussbaum
Tecumseh: B. O'Kane
Peshua: R. Nations
Nitau: J. Roper
Spartacus: D. Draper
Notes: Performed in honor of Rev. A. Granger, C.S.C.
Sources The Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 20, May 28, 1887, p. 610.
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