Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1909/1910 School Year
Play Title: Until the Rising of the Moon
Author: Maurice Francis Egan
Dates Performed: Founder's Day, October 13, 1909
Director: Profess Spiess
Stage Manager: Not Found
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Stock Company
Cast List
Capt. Edward Arden: Claude Sorge
First Soldier: W. P. Downing
Captain Tom: Carl White
Sentinel: W. Bensburg
Ted, the Drummer: G. W. Clark:
Source(s) Notre Dame Scholastic, Volume 43, October 16, 1909, p. 92.
Play Title: The Toastmaster
Author: not found
Dates Performed: President's Day, December 14, 1909
Director: Professor George Spiess
Stage Manager: not found
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The University Dramatic Club
Cast List
Bill Morgan: Claude A. Sorg
Towel Fairfax: Louis W. Reps
Bob Kenmark: Thomas A. Havican
Henry Reed: James G. Kramer
Tom Ripley: Joseph C. Goddeyne
George MacIntosh: William N. Hogan
Professor Reed: Joseph B. Murphy
Mrs. Reed: George J. Ryan
Cynthia: Leo. C. McElroy
Buzzer: Harry J. Zimmer
Source(s) Notre Dame Scholastic, Volume 43, November 20, 1909, p. 174; also December 18, 1909, p. 227-8; 1910 Dome.
Play Title: The Prince and The Pauper
Author: adapted from Mark Twain's Novel of the same name
Dates Performed: St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1910
Director: Brother Cyprian
Stage Manager: not found
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The Philopatrian Society
Cast List
Edward: George Clark
Tom Canty: Louis Cox
Miles Hendon: Frank McInerny
Henry VIII: William Bensberg
Earl of Herford: Bernard Bogy
Page: Walter Ward
Prince Godfrey: Joseph Peurrung
Servant: Hervey Ridgeway
John Canty: Edward Sippel
Sykes: Mark Broad
Sykes: Mark Broad
Dan Canty: Cecil Birder
Yokel: Martin Walter
Mad Sam: Roy Loebs
Anthony Gorse: Herbert Koelbel
Hugh Gallord: N. C. O'Brad
Humphrey Marlow: Thomas Burke
Pages and Jesters: Robert Gotfredson, Francis Logue, Milton Mann, Thomas Hogan
John O'Brien, Thomas: Walsh, Alfredo Zubiria, Raymond Loebs
Thomas Clark
Notes: The 1910 Dome describes The Philopatrian Society as
"an association organized as a literary and social club to stimulate
interest in public speaking." The Dome
Cast List
refers to
M. C. O'Brad, while the Scholastic lists N. C. O'Brad.
Source(s) Notre Dame Scholastic, Volume 43, March 26, 1910, p. 396; 1910 Dome.
Play Title: A Pair of Spectacles
Author: Not Found
Dates Performed: Easter Monday, March 28,1910
Director: Father Maloney
Stage Manager: not found
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Senior Class
Cast List
Benjamin Goldfinch: Claude Albert Sorg
Uncle Gregory: Joseph Benedict Murphy
Paul: Paul Joseph Donovan
Dick: James Francis Redding
Lorimer: Martin Harold Miller
Bartholomew: Denis Augustine Morrison
Joyce: Jesse Henry Roth
Samuel: Charles William Murphy
A Shoemaker: Jesse Eustaquio Vera
Mrs. Goldfinch: George Washington Sands
Lucy: Leo Cyril McElroy
Source(s) Notre Dame Scholastic, Volume 43, March 5, 1910, p. 359, also April 2, 1910, p. 412; 1910 Dome.
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