Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1910/1911 School Year
Play Title: The Treasure
Author: not found
Dates Performed: President's Day, December 13, 1910
Director: Fr. William A. Maloney
Stage Manager: not found
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The Dramatic Club of Notre Dame
Cast List
Copeland Schuyler: William Richard Ryan
Kirke Warren: John Francis O'Hara
Mr. Hewitt: Frank Patrick Crowley
Captain Anstruther: Joseph James Collins
Mr. Griggs: Thomas Louis Havican
Billy Ashe: George Alfred Lynch
Captain O'Malley: Claude Albert Sorg
Colonel Ostah: Arthur John Hughes
Captain Mouzaffer: William Edward McGarry
Sergeant Turkish Army: William Edward Cotter
Innkeeper: John Thomas Burns
1st Officer of Trasport: Jefferson Earl Wheeler
Max: Joseph Charles Goddeyne
The Crown Prince of Greece: Carl Bradford White
Grace Whitney: Cecil Edwin Birder
Blanche Bailey: Paul Rush
Mrs. Sybil Schwartz: Harry Joseph Zimmer
1st Officer of Steamer: Henry John Kuhle
Notes: The 1911 Dome described The Treasure as "the best production seen in Washington Hall in recent years".
Source(s) 1911 Dome, The Notre Dame Scholastic, Volume 44, December 17, 1910, p. 209-1.
Play Title: King for a Day
Author: not found
Dates Performed: St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1911
Director: Brother Cyprian
Stage Manager: not found
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The Philopatrian Society
Cast List
Genaro: George Lucas
Ferdinando: Austin McNichols
Ruisco: Holten Sexton
Don Gonzalo: Octavio Gamboa
Valerio: Norbert Wagner
Alberto: John Henry
Bozza: Robert Gotfredson
Melchiorre: Louis Cox
Banquo: John Harrigan
Cecato: George Clark
Fillipo: Walter McBride
Batista: James Casey
Silvio: Thomas Glynn
Marco: Jack Wittenberg
Alonzo: Raymond Loebs
Verdi: Robert Wagner
Guido: Byron Brentlinger
Lino: Walter Bollin
Stefano: Arthur Krampff
Lucio: Thomas Sweeney
Pedro: Mervin Winkleman
Cerano: Raymond Buggs
Orazio: Francis Logue
Leonardo: Jack Ganihar
Marino: Raymond O'Donnell
Source(s) 1911 Dome
Play Title: The Dictator
Author: Richard Harding Davis
Dates Performed: Easter Monday, April 17, 1911
Director: Fr. William A. Maloney
Stage Manager: not found
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The Senior Class
Cast List
Brooke Travers: William Richard Ryan
Simpson: Jasper Howard Lawton
Charley Hyne: Claude Albert Sorg
Colonel John T. Bowle: Joseph Benedict Murphy
Duffy: John Francis O'Hara
Rev. Arthur Bostick: John Henry Kuhle
Lieutenenat Perry: Raymond Edward Skelley
Samuel Codman: William Everett McGarry
General Santos Campos: Arthur John Hughes
Dr. Vasquez: Joseph Charles Goddeyne
Senor Jose Dravo: Thomas Louis Havican
Colonel Garcia: Nicholas August Gamboa
Steward of the Bolivar: Edward Keenan Delana
Lucy Sheridan: Cecil Edward Birder
Mrs. John T. Bowie: Paul Rush
Senora Juanita Arguilla: Harry Joseph Zimmer
Source(s) 1911 Dome, The Notre Dame Scholastic, Volume 44, April 22, 1911, pp. 452-453.
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