Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1931/1932 Academic Year
Play: Gold in the Hills, or the Dead Sister's Secret
Author: J. Frank Davis
Dates Performed: Dec. 13, 14, 1931
Director: Professor Frank W. Kelly
Stage Manager: Fred Eisenmann
Assistants: James Carmody, George Higgins
Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Big Mike Slattery: Virgilius Philips
Jack Dalton: John Leddy
Richard Murgatroyd: William Walsh
Nellie: F. Theresa Chisholm
Lizzie: Mrs. Norbert Engels
Barbura: Charlotte Maurer
Slade: James O'Shughnessey
Others: William Carr, Roger Beirne, Joseph McCabe, James Carmody
Source: Program, Dome 1932, 278-9.
The University Theatre
The Notre Dame Players
Three One-Act Plays
Under the Direction of
Professor Frank W. Kelly
Music by
The Notre Dame Jugglers
Thursday Evening, March Seventeenth
Friday Evening, March Eighteenth [1932]
at eight-fifteen o'clock
[15th presentation, 6th season]
[Washington Hall]
Supervisor of Stage: Fred Eisenmann
Assistants: William Hunter, George Higgins, James Carmody, John Cooper
Play 1: The Rising of the Moon
Author: Lady Augusta Gregory (1852-1932)
Cast List
(only partial list found and character names not listed)
Sergeant: Virgillius Phillips
Policeman X: John Cooper
Policeman B: Albert N. Butler, Jr.
A Ragged Man: George Higgins
Notes: premiered at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin in 1907.
Source: Program, William Farmer private collecion; Dome 1932, 280.
Play 2: The Hour Glass
Author: William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
Wise Man: William F. Walsh, Jr.
Fool: James A. Carricco
Angel: John Kerlin
Wife: Margaret Burroughs
Children: Charles Andres, Elizabeth Adelsperger
King's Son: David Powers
Students: George W. Calhoun, Lawrence T. Gross, Jr., Paul R. Locher, Norton J. Schonfield, William B. Ford, Patrick P. Burns
Source: Program, William Farmer private collection; Dome 1932, 280.
Play 3: Hyacinth Halvey
Author: Lady Gregory
Hyacinth Halvey: Joseph McCabe
James Quirke: Franklin Stroud
Paddy Farrell: Thomas Stritch
Sergeant Carden: James Carmody
Mrs. Delane: F. Theresa Chisholm
Miss Joyce: Charlotte Mourer
Scene designed by Mr. Peter J. Trolio of Arch. 3.
Note: Hyacinth Halvey, first produced in Dublin in 1906, opened at Maxine Elliott's Theatre in New York City on November 20, 1911.
Source: Program, William Farmer private collection; Dome 1932, 280.
Play: Abraham Lincoln
Author: John Drinkwater
Dates Performed: Sat-Sun, May 28 and 29, 1932, 8:15 P.M.
Venue: Washington Hall
Director: F. W. Kelly
Stage Manager: Fred Eisenmann
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The University Theatre
See Program, below
Source: Program, William Farmer private collection; Dome 1933, 273.
last edited by Mark Pilkinton April 20, 2011
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