Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1930-1931 Academic Year
Play: Twelfth Night
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates: Dec. 17 and 18, 1930
Director: Professor Frank W. Kelly
Stage Manager: not found
Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Cast List
Orsino: Norman Hartzer
Sebastian: Austin Boyle
Antonio: George Ryan
Sea Captain: Daniel Clark
Sir Toby Belch: Joseph Thornton
Malvolio: Roger Bierne
Fabian: Frederick Eisenmann
Feste: Harry Merdzinski
Valentine: Ramon G. Smith
Curio: William Carr
Priest: R. Gilbert Smith
Bastino: Thomas Sherman
Lucio: Daniel Williams
Marius: Thomas McGough
Olivia: Irene Pyle
Viola: Julia E. Huff
Maria: Charlotte Mourer
Sir Andrew Aguecheek: J. Edward Phelan
Source(s) 1931 Dome, p. 198
Play: The Ghost of Thomas Sloop
Author: Richard Sullivan
Dates: March 26 and 27, 1931
Director: Professor Frank Kelly
Stage Manager: Fred Eisenmann
Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Cast List
Thomas Sloop: Harry Merdzinski
Jeffrey Sloop: Roger Beirne
Mrs. Flister: Julia Huff
Gimlet: J. Edward Phelan
Official Ghost: John Sullivan
Left Guard: John Ryan
Right Guard: John Perone
Timid Ghost: Philip Airey
Smart Ghost: George Ryan
New Ghost: Frank Oberkoetter
Sleepy Ghost: Robert Balfe
Source: Dome 1931, 200.
Play: The Merchant of Venice
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates: June 4, 1931, 8:00 P.M.
Venue: Washington Hall
Director: Frank Kelly
Scene Design: Francis Wynne Kervick (and his class in design)
Technical Direction: Stanley Sascha Sessler (and his art classes)
Stage Manager: Fred Eisenmann, George Higgins, Philip Airey
Music: Richard Seidel (University string ensemble)
Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Cast List
Shylock: Harry Merdzinski
Antonio: William Walsh
Bassanio: Roger Beirne
Gratiano: James O'Shaugnessy
Lorenzo: William Blind
Salarino: Thomas McKevitt
Salanio: Frank Denny
Tubal: Philip Airey
Balthazar: John Ryan
Portia: Rosemary Hay
Jessica: Charlotte Mourer
Nerissa: Julia Huf
Launcelot Gobbo: Joseph McCabe
Duke of Venice: Joseph Carroll
Note: "In all, Professor Frank Kelly is to be commended on the work of his pupils and associates. It was a performance truly creditable of University men. The success of it was another big step in dispelling the criticism which has come to the University for its steadfast approval of Shakesperian dramas" (Scholastic 64:30, June 5, 1931, 944). In addition, this may be the earliest use of terms that equate to contemporary scene design and technical direction.
Source: Dome 1932, 277.
last edited by Mark C. Pilkinton, June 6, 2013
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