Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1964/1965 School Year
Play Title: King Lear
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates Performed: November 12-15, 19-21, 1964
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, CSC
Lighting Design: John Patrick Hart
Staff Assistant: Fred W. Syburg
Set Design: John Patrick Hart
Text Consultant: Rufus W. Rauch
Lear: David Clennon
King of France: Richard Mical
Duke of Burgandy: James Boho
Duke of Cornwall: John W. Toth
Duke of Albany: Al Dunn
Earl of Kent: William Navin
Earl of Gloucester: David A. Garrick, Jr.
Edgar: Patrick Kelly
Edmund: John Patrick Hart
Oswald: Steve Cackley
Old Man: James Boho
Doctor: Gregory J. Grieco
Fool to Lear: Terry Francke
A Captain: Stephen Way
Gentlemen: Richard Mical
Curan: Tim Cormany
Goneril: Carolyn Jaskunas
Regan: Angela Schreiber
Cordelia: Katherine J. Lancelot
Knights Attending Lear:
Servants, Messengers: James Boho, Michael Conrad, Tim Cormany, George Flynn, Gerald Gloster,
Richard Snider, Stephen Way
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Dick Larkin
Assistant Stage Managers: John Eustice, Michael Mackin
Assistant to the Director: C. Michael Newbrand:
Asst to the Tech Director: Robert H. Melka
Special Assistant: Gregory Phillips
Costumes Executed by: Pearl Mastak
Assisted by: Theresa Tyler
Stage Carpenter: Robert. H. Melka
Lighting Design: Gregory J. Grieco
Head Electrician: Gregory J. Grieco
Asst to the Head Elec.: Joseph A. Reuter
Lighting Crew: Charles Graham, Dan Behles
Construction Crew: George Convy, M. Eugene Doub, Terry Francke, Richard Kendrick,
Gregory Phillips, Ron Ubelhart
Painting Executed by: John Patrick Hart
Sound Effects: Don Leis
Assisted by: Joseph Aleo, William Coco
Properties: John Foley
Assisted by: Larry Waugh
Wardrobe: David Sauer
Assisted by: Barbara Quinn, Diana Ritter, Janine Saxe
Makeup: Dick Pemberton
Fencing Coached by: Joseph A. Reuter
Poster Designed by: Dick Pemberton
Publicity: The Notre Dame Dramatic Society
Source(s): 1965 Dome, pp. 34-35; Original Program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: The Caretaker
Author: Harold Pinter
Dates Performed: February 11-14, 18-20, 1965
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, CSC
Staff Assistant: Fred W. Syburg:
Set Designer: John Patrick Hart
Mick: David Clennon
Aston: Al Dunn
Davies: Terry Francke
Production Staff
Stage Manager: David A. Garrick, Jr.:
Assistant Stage Manager: Steve Cackley
Production Assistant: Don Leis
Asst to the Director: Thomas E. Weiford
Asst to the Tech Director: Robert H. Melka
Head Electrician: Joseph A. Reuter
Lighting Crew: Charles Graham, Joseph A. Reuter
Construction Crew: David Clennon, George Convy, Gene Doub, George Flynn, Terry Francke,
Patrick Kelly, Richard Kendrick, James Mooney, Gregory Phillips,
Daniel P. Roberto, Ron Ubelhart
Properties Production: Richard Snider, Stephen Way
Properties Crew: John Eustice, George Flynn, Gerald Gloster, Richard Larkin, C. Michael Newbrand, Dick Pemberton, Richard Snider, James Vernetti, Stephen Way
Sound Effects: William Coco:
Publicity: Robert H. Melka, C. Michael Newbrand
Source(s): 1965 Dome, pp. 46-47; Original Program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play Title: The Three Penny Opera
English Adaptation: Marc Blitzstein
Text and Lyrics: Bertold Brecht
Music: Kurt Weill
Dates Performed: May 6-9, 13-15, 1965
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Fred W. Syburg
Lighting, Set, Costumes: John Patrick Hart
Musical Direction: Dr. Charles A. Biondo
Singing Direction: Rev. Patrick Maloney, CSC
Production Manager: Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, CSC
Street Singer: R. Albert Cruz
Sam: Terry Moriarty
Honey: Terry Francke
J. J. Peachum: David A. Garrick, Jr.
Mrs. Peachum: Carolyn Jaskunas
Smith: Patrick Kelly
Gentlemen: Jack Luby, Robert Marquis
Filch: George Flynn
Beggar: Steve Way
Molly: Pat Harvey
Readymoney Matt: Daniel Roberto
Crookfinger Jake: Al Dunn
Dolly: Barbara Morris
Betty: Doris Wilke
Jenny: Virgina Manthe
Macheath: David Clennon
Polly Peachum: Denise Coakley
Bob the Saw: Terry Moriarty
Walt Dreary: Steve Way
Kimball: Terry Francke
Tiger Brown: John Sheehan, Jr.
Constables: Jack Luby, Robert Marquis
Lucy Brown: Joan Werber Tweedell
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Patrick Kelly
1st Asst Stage Manager: Gene Doub
2nd Asst Stage Manager: John Sheehan
Assistant to Mr. Hart: Robert Melka
Costumes Executed by: Pearl Mastak
Assistant in Light Design: Joseph A. Reuter
Head Electrician: Joseph A. Reuter
Assistants to Electrician: Charles Graham, Dan Behles
Follow Spot: Charles Morrison
Properties: George C. Adams
Wardrobe: Hildegarde Vargyas
Makeup: Dick Pemberton
Crew Captain: Robert Melka
Crew Members: Paul Doyle, John Durel, Leonard Frankie, Herbert Gallagher, Gerald Gloster,
Dick Kendrick, Bob MacSwain, Howard Maginniss, C. Michael Newbrand,
Joseph Smith
Fly Linemen: Robert O. Bianco, Paul J. Devlin, Jr., Ron Ubelhart
Construction Crew: Robert O. Bianco, Willie Coughlin, Paul J. Devlin, Jr., Dick Kendrick,
Louis R. Loughren, Bob MacSwain, Charles Morrison, Gregory Phillips,
Ron Ubelhart
Performance Pianist: Robert Farmer
Rehearsal Pianists: Robert Farmer, Joseph Jankowski, Stan Liberty, Charlotte Day
Orchestra: Philip Barilla, Ronald Doucette, Robert Farmer, Thomas Ferratt, Tom Krull,
Michael Leary, Robert Nenoff, Edward Stuemke, Daniel Ziemba, Donald Koma, Robert Hoffman
Publicity Chairman: John Lewis
Source(s): Original Program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
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