Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1965-1966 Academic Year
Play: A Man For All Seasons
Author: Robert Bolt (1924-1995)
Dates: November 4-7, 11-13, 1965
Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, CSC
Staff Assistant: Fred W. Syburg
Setting and Lighting: Charles P. Lehman
The Common Man: Michael Wingerter
Sir Thomas More: Terry Francke
Master Richard Rich: Thos. E. Weiford
The Duke of Norfolk: Al Dunn
Lady Alice More: Patricia Harvey
Lady Margaret More: Marcella Lynyak
Cardinal Wolsey: Robert Werner
Thomas Cromwell: David A. Garrick, Jr.
Signor Chapuys: Daniel Diggles
Chapuys' Attendant: Richard Snider
William Roper: Terry Williams
King Henry the Eighth: Patrick Kelly
A Woman: Carolyn Jaskunas
Thomas Cranmer: Michael Dooley
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Howard Maginniss
Assistant Stage Manager: Steve Way
Asst to the Director: John Dooley
Asst to the Tech Director: Robert Melka:
Asst in Lighting Design: Joseph A. Reuter
Head Electrician: Joseph A. Reuter
Assistant Electrician: Charles Graham
Fly Lineman: Robert Cuccias, Dene Doub
Construction and Painting Crew: Ray Caston, Walter Coords, Robert Cuccias, David Dailey, Gene Doub, Tim Fisher, David A. Garrick, Jr., Michael Higgins, William Hill, Stephen John, William Joseph, Peter Kane, Patrick Kelly, John Lindsay: Howard Maginniss, Robert Melka, Charles Morrison, Charles Pelletier, Robert Straker
Properties: Gerald Gloster
Sound: Robert Melka
Costumes by: The Village Players
Costume Coordinator: Pearl Mastak
Costume Assistant: Betty Barley
Wardrobe: Tom DeChant
Wardrobe Assistants: Carolyn Jaskunas, Denise Coakley
Publicity: The Notre Dame Dramatic Society
Note: Based on earlier radio and television versions, A Man for all Seasons opened in London in July 1960 and later on Broadway in November 1961 where it won Tonys in 1962 for Outstanding Play, Producer, Director, and Actor (Paul Shcofield). The 1966 film version won six Oscars in 1967 for Best Actor, Cinematography, Costume Design, Director, Picture, and Screenplay based on material from another medium.
Source: 1966 Dome, pp. 215-215; Original Program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play: The Firebugs
Author: Max Frisch
Translation: Mordecai Gorelik
Dates: February 10-13, 17-19, 1966
Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Fred W. Syburg
Staff Assistant: Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, CSC:
Setting and Lighting by: Charles P. Lehman
Gottlieb Biedermann: David A. Garrick, Jr.
Babette Biedermann: Carolyn Jaskunas
Anna: Molly Geissler
Sepp Schmitz: Pat Dray
Willi Eisenring: John Dooley
A Policeman: Bill Ellis
A Ph.D.: Thomas Payne
Mrs. Knechtling: Judi Spinner
Chorus of Firemen Leader: Patrick Kelly
Chorus of Firemen: David Dailey, Lance Davis, Al Dunn, Terry Francke, Robert Steinmetz,
Stephen Way
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Gene Doub
Assistant Stage Manager: Joseph Shann
Asst to the Tech Director: Robert Melka
Assistant in Light Design: Joseph A. Reuter
Head Electrician: Joseph A. Reuter
Assistant Electrician: Al Alter
Fly Lineman: Leonard Frankie
Properties: Thomas Noe
Follow Spots: Michael Chalifoux, Ben Martorano
Construction and
Painting Crew: Ray Caston, Gene Doub, David A. Garrick, Jr., William Hill, Stephen John,
Peter Kane, Patrick Kelly, Charles Knaus, John Lindsay, Howard Maginniss,
Robert Melka, Charles Morrison, Charles Pelletier, Robert Straker
Sound Effects Design: Tom Cox, Robert Melka
Effects Execution: Robert Melka
Epilog Costume Design: Mr. Charles Lehman
Costume Executed by: Betty Barley
Wardrobe: Tim Fisher
Poster Design: Robert Farmer
Publicity: Terry Francke
Source(s): 1966 Dome, pp. 212 and 216-217; Original Program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Play: The Medium
Words and Music: Gian-Carlo Menotti
Dates Performed: May 5-8, 12-14, 1966
Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Rev. Patrick H. Maloney, CSC
Assisted by: Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, CSC
Setting and Lighting by: Charles P. Lehman
At the Pianos: Thomas Nadar
Percussion: Donald Koma, Daniel Diggles
Monica: Stephanie Black
Toby: Terry Francke
Madame Flora: Carolyn Jaskunas
Mr. Gobineau: David A. Garrick, Jr.
Mrs. Gobineau: Patricia Culp
Mrs. Nolan: Joan Werber Tweedell
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Robert Werner
Assistant Stage Manager: Tom Payne
Asst to the Tech Director: Robert Melka
Assistant in Light Design: Joseph A. Reuter
Head Electrician: Joseph A. Reuter
Assistant Electrician: Al Alter
Special Effects: Robert Melka
Properties: Steve Way
Props Assistant: David Dailey
Wardrobe: Genie Schonfeld
Wardrobe Asst: John Dooley
Poster Design: Eric Weischaus
Publicity: Notre Dame Dramatic Society
Construction and
Painting Crew: Gene Doub, Terry Francke, William Giesecke, William Hill, William Joseph,
Patrick Kelly, Stephen Krchma, John Lindsay, Ben Martorano,
Lawrence Mauch, Charles Overholser, George Schaefer,
William Seidensticker
Notes: In the program cover, note the detail Father Harvey employed as well as the images of both the Golden Dome and Washington Hall. This is the last University Theatre program before the creation of Notre Dame/Saint Mary's Theatre
Source: Dome 1966, 212, 216-217; Program, Frederic Syburg collection
Play: The Good Woman of Setzuan
Author: Bertolt Brecht, English version by Eric Bentley
Dates Performed: August 1966 [one-night only]
Producing Organization: The University Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
See Program for complete information.
Note: Fred Syburg reported that the nuns still wore their habits but were permitted to add characaterizing decoration.
last edited by Mark C. Pilkinton, July 28, 2012
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