Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1981/1982 School Year
Play Title: Getting Out
Author: Marsha Norman
Dates Performed: October 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium, SMC
Artistic Staff
Director: Julie Jensen
Set Design: Thomas Leff
Costume Design: Ellyn Brannick
Cast List
Arlene: Rachael Patterson
Arlie: Heidi Lucke
Guard Evans: Mike Barrett
Bennie: Joseph Musumeci, Jr.
Guard Caldwell: Javi Mulero
Doctor: Chris Tayback
Mother: Susan Gosdick
School Principal: Mary Link
Ronnie: Jim Wolfe
Carl: Raul Aportela
Warden: Thomas Melsheimer
Ruby: Eileen Durkin
Voice: Mary Link
Production Staff
Assitants to the Director: Scott E. Thomas, Mary E. Francell
Technical Director: Thomas Leff
Technical Assistants: Bea Bosco. John Davenport, Betsy Evert, Ellen Hackl, Doug Kreitzberg,
Ed Moreno, Maggie O'Connell, Annie Patterson, Rachael Patterson,
Scott Thomas, Toni Trigiani, Maureen Ulicny
Stage Managers: Mary E. Francell, Scott E. Thomas
Stage Crew: Elizabeth Bottum, Paul Clay, Greg D'Alessandro, Bridget Dolan,
Susan Gosdick, Barb Holsinger, Glenn Kane, Randy Kelly, Mary Link,
Jeff Mousseau, Laura Simon
Properties: Scott E. Thomas
Costume Crew: Cathy Callahan, Joe Dolan, Desiree Eartly, Margaret Foy, Anne Letcher,
Cathy Mahoney, Cathy Morris, Betsy Quinn, Laura Stover
Wardrobe Supervisor: Betsy Quinn
Makeup Coordination: Cathy Mahoney
Graphic Design: Lewis Glaser
Publicity: Mary Francell, Angela Adamson, Joan Quinlan
House Manager: Angela Wing
Box Office: Eileen Kelly, Mary McGlinch
Notes: Produced as a part of the twenty-fifth anniversary of
O'Laughlin Auditorium and in conjunction with that event, ND/SMC
Theatre welcomes the playwright to the October 3 performance of her
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Music: Traditional Jewish Melody
Play Title: The Inspector General
Author: Nikolai Gogol
Dates Performed: November 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Leonard Powlick
Set Design: Thomas Leff
Costume Design: Ellyn Brannick
Cast List
Anton Antonovich: Richard Lechowich
Anna Andreyevna: Susan Gosdick
Marya Antonovna: Joan Quinlan
Luka Lukitch Kholpov: John Davenport
Kholpov's Wife: Liz Ellery
Ammos Lyapkin-Tyapkin: Michael McKay
Lyapkin-Tyapkin's Wife: Kerry Barnett
Artemy Zemlyanika: John Garibaldi
Zemlyanika's Wife: Bridget Dolan
Pyotr Ivanovich Dobchinsky: Paul Clay
Pyotr Ivanovich Bobchinsky: Daniel Moran
Ivan Alexandrovich Hlestakov: Sean Faircloth
Osip: Dan Osborn
Police Chief: Scott Thomas
Constable: Fred Zimmerman
Sergant's Wife: Bridget Dolan
Shopkeeper: John Schmitt
Mishka: Elizabeth DeSchryver
Waitress: Fred Zimmerman
Merchants, Peasants, Guards: Fred Zimmerman, Kris Allen, John Schmitt, Kerry Barnett, Bridget Dolan
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Doug Kreitzberg
Technical Director: Thomas Leff
Technical Assistants: Bea Bosco, John Davenport, Betsy Evert, Ellen Hackl, Doug Kreitzberg,
Ed Moreno, Maggie O'Connell, Anne Patterson, Scott Thomas, Toni Trigiani,
Maureen Ulicny
Stage Crew: Elizabeth Bottum, Paul Clay, Greg D'Alessandro, Bridget Dolan, Susan Gosdick,
Linda Roeder, Kim Works, Randy Kelly, Mary Link, Jeff Mousseau,
Kathleen Pape, Lisa Karpowicz
Costume Crew: Cathy Callahan, Joe Dolan, Desiree Eartly, Margaret Foy, Anne Letcher,
Cathy Mahoney, Cathy Morris, Betsy Quinn, Laura Stover
Wardrobe Supervisor: Betsy Quinn
Makeup: Cathy Mahoney
Graphic Design: Paul Weaver
Publicity: Mary E. Francell, Angela Adamson, Joan Quinlan
House Manager: Angela Wing
Box Office: Eileen Kelly, Laura Stover
Notes: Produced in celebration of the one-hundredth anniversary of Washington Hall.
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Our Winter Concert
ND/SMC Dance Theatre
Dates Performed: December 4, 5, 6, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Dance Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium
Artistic Staff
Director: Debra S. Stahl
Lighting Design: Thomas Leff
Costume Design: Debra S. Stahl, Colleen M. Quinn
Music: Traditional Jewish Melody
Choreography: Debra S. Stahl
Dancers: Kara Amis, Sue Brandt, Mary Frances DeCelles, Linda Hewitt, Mary McKelly,
Maureen Meagher, Colleen Quinn, Margie Vermeulen
Music: Johann Pachelbel, Adolphe Adam, Traditional English Melodies
Choreography: Debra S. Stahl
Dancers: John Francis Davenport, Margi Fink, Jeff Mosseau, Mary Beth O'Brien
The Story
Music: "Pinnacles" composed by Jane Zwerneman
Choreography: Colleen M. Quinn
Narrators: Loretta Barrett, Jill A. Daly, Julia Croft, Joan Grabowski
Dancers: Mary Frances DeCelles, Margi Fink, Betsy Quinn, Anne Sargent,
Margie Vermeulen
To Dance
Music: Paul Winter Consort
Choreography: Debra S. Stahl
Dancers: Maureen Meagher, Laila T. Mikhail, Mary Scheiber
A Simple Song
Music: Leonard Bernstein
Choreography: Debra S. Stahl
Dancer: Colleen Quinn
Music: Vincent Montana, Jr.
Choreography: Debra S. Stahl
Dancers: Maureen Meagher, Laila T. Mikhail, Betsy Quinn, Colleen Quinn,
Cathy Schaefer, Margie Vermeulen
Production Staff
Technical Director: Thomas Leff
Stage Manager: Antonia Trigiani
Technical Assistants: Bea Bosco, John Davenport, Doug Krietzberg, Eddie Moreno, Maggie O'Connell,
Annie Patterson, Scott Thomas, Toni Trigiani, Maureen Ulicny
Stage Crew: Elizabeth Bottum, Paul Clay, Greg D'Alessandro, Bridget Dolan, Susan Gosdick,
Randy Kelly, Mary Link, Jeff Mousseau, Kathleen Pape
Costume Crew: Cathy Callahan, Debbie Dickerson, Joe Dolan, Dorene Dominguez, Desiree Eartly,
Margi Fink, Margaret Foy, Anne letcher, Cathy Mahoney, Cathy Morris,
Betsy Quinn, Laura Stover
Graphic Design: Paul Weaver
Makeup: Erin O'Connell
House Manager: Angela Wing
Box Office: Eileen Kelly, Laura Stover
Publicity: Angela Adamson, Mary Francell, Joan Quinlan
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: The Wild Duck
Author: Henrik Ibsen
Dates Performed: February 26, 27, March 4, 5, 6, 1982
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Frederic Syburg
Set and Light Design: Thomas Leff
Costume Design: Ellyn D. Brannick
Cast List
Hjalmar Ekdal: Richard Lechowich
Gregers Werle: John Davenport
Haakon Werle: Joe Musumeci, Jr.
Gina Ekdal: Heather Fraser
Hedvig Ekdal: Eileen Durkin
Old Ekdal: Raul Aportela
Dr. Relling: Joseph Dolan
Mrs. Soerby: Terese Brown
Molvik: Paul Clay
Pettersen: Brian Rak
Jensen: Daniel Moran
Graaberg: Pat DePace
Balle: Joe Massaro
Flor: David DeJute
Kaspersen: Michael Spellman
Helmer: Richard Collis
Engstrand: Edmund Moreno
Elvsted: Greg Perenich
Rosmer: Thomas Cushing
Production Staff
Technical Director: Thomas Leff
Stage Manager: Karen Dondanville
Assistant Stage Manager: Thomas Cushing
Technical Assistants: Bea Bosco, John Davenport, Betsy Ebert, Ellen Hackl, Doug Kreitzberg,
Ed Moreno, Maggie O'Connell, Anne Patterson, Rachael Patterson, Scott Thomas,
Toni Trigiani, Maureen Ulicny
Stage Crew: Elizabeth Bottum, Mary E. Francell, Diane Schunk
Costume Crew: Cathy Callahan, Debbie Dickerson, Joe Dolan, Margaret Foy, Anne Letcher,
Karen McCarter, Cathy Morris, Betsy Quinn, Laura Stover, Lucy Byrnes
Wardrobe Supervisor: Carolyn Prebenda
Makeup Coordination: Desiree Eartly
Graphic Design: Maureen Ulicny
House Manager: Angela Wing
Box Office: Eileen Kelly, Lisa Ruhe
Publicity: Mary E. Francell, Mary O'Neal, Joan Quinlan
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Our Spring Concert
ND/SMC Dance Theatre
Dates Performed: April 2, 3, 4, May 13, 14, 1982
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Dance Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium
Artistic Staff
Choreography: Debra S. Stahl
Setting and Design: Thomas Leff
Trois Danseuses
Costumes: Lucy Byrnes
Music: Darius Milhaud
Dancers: Maureen Meagher, Frances Regas, Mary Scheiber
Musicians: Laura Halland, Moira Finnegan, Jane Zwernemann, Julie Snyder, Laura Blohm
The Descent Beckons as the Ascent Beckoned
Costumes: Desiree Eartly
Music: Roger Briggs
Dancers: Colleen Quinn, Frances Regas, Maureen Meagher
Musicians: Janet Brady, Jeffrey Jacob, Stephen Stalker,
Prague Dumka
Costumes: Ellyn D. Brannick
Music: Anton Dvorak
Dancers: Michael Pirkowski, Sonya M. Jones, Kara L. Amis,
Rosemarie A. Mueller, Mary Beth O'Brien, Mary Scheiber,
Mary E. McKelly, E. M. Durkin, Maureen Meagher, Kevin C. Tindell,
Mary Frances DeCelles, Keith Marrero, Laurel Ann Dooley
Musicians: Janet Brady, Stephen Stalker, Clayton Henderson
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Toni Trigiani
Technical Director: Thomas Leff
Technical Assistants: Bea Bosco, John Davenport, Betsy Ebert, Ellen Hackl, Doug Kreitzberg, Ed Moreno, Maggie O'Connell, Anne Patterson, Rachael Patterson,
Scott Thomas, Toni Trigiani, Maureen Ulicny
Stage Crew: Elizabeth Bottum, Mary E. Francell, Diane Schunk
Wardrobe Supervisor: Carolyn Prebenda
Makeup Coordination: Desiree Eartly
Graphic Design: Maureen Ulicny
Poster Design: Paul Weaver
Publicity: Mary E. Francell, Mary O'Neal, Joan Quinlan
House Manager: Angela Wing
Box Office: Eileen Kelly, Lisa Ruhe
Source(s): Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: The Card Index
Author: Tadeusz Rozewicz
Dates Performed: April 23, 24, 29, 30, May 1, 1982
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium
Artistic Staff
Director: Kazimierz Braun
Set Design: Thomas Leff
Costume Design: Ellyn D. Brannick
Music Composition: Mieczyslaw Wolny
Cast List
Bridget Baker: Richard Lynch
Paul Clay: Mary O'Neal
Rich Collis: Mark Pizzato
Joe Dolan: Joan Quinlan
Suzanne Dunlap: Cathy Tobin
Eileen Durkin: Lynn Wittenbrink
Lisa Graham
Production Staff
Technical Director: Thomas Leff
Stage Manager: Bea Bosco
Assistant to the Director: Mary O'Neal
Technical Assistants: Bea Bosco, John Davenport, Betsy Ebert, Doug Kreitzberg, Ed Moreno,
Maggie O'Connell, Anne Patterson, Rachael Patterson, Scott Thomas,
Toni Trigiani, Maureen Ulicny
Stage Crew: Elizabeth Bottum, Mary E. Francell, Diane Schunk
Costume Crew: Cathy Callahan, Debbie Dickerson, Joe Dolan, Margaret Foy, Anne Letcher,
Karen McCarter, Cathy Morris, Betsy Quinn, Laura Stover, Lucy Byrnes
& Design: Maureen Ulicny
Wardrobe Supervisor: Carolyn Prebenda
House Manager: Angela Wing
Box Office: Eileen Kelly, Lisa Ruhe
Poster Design: Paul Wieber
Publicity: Mary E. Francell, Mary O'Neal, Joan Quinlan
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Second Scene
Play Title: Six Characters in Search of an Author
Author: Luigi Pirandello
Dates Performed: October 30, 31, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Beatrice J. Bosco
Cast List
The Father: James R. Dunlap, Jr.
The Mother: Colleen Quinn
The Son: David M. Barber
The Daughter: Betsy Quinn
The Boy: David Vacca
The Girl: Teran Link
Madame Pace: Bridget Dolan
Director: Greg D'Alessandro
Stage Manager: Randy Kelly
Asst. Stage Manager: Anne Slowey
Property Man: Robin Bottei
Stage Hand: Eddie Moreno
Doorman: Kris Allen
Leading Man: Jeb Cashin
Leading Lady: Therese Brown
Character Lady: Theresa Dipasquale
Juvenile Lead: Chris Patnaude
Actor: John C. Clay
Actor: Suzanne C. Dunlap
Actor: Kathleen Reddington
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Elizabeth Bottum
Light Crew: Annie Patterson
Running Crew: Jeff Mousseau
House Manager: Angela Wing
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Adieu Emma
Script by: Doug Kreitzberg
Based on novel Madame Bovary: Gustave Flaubert
Dates Performed: November 6, 7, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: SMC Clubhouse
Artistic Staff
Director: Doug Kreitzberg
Set & Lighting Design: Doug Kreitzberg
Cast List
Emma Bovary: Rachael Patterson
Taped Voices: Reginald Bain, Greg D'Alessandro, Greg Hartmann, John Kacergis,
Mary Link, Anne Slowey
Production Staff
Stage Manager: John Kacergis
Stage Crew: Greg D'Alessandro, Greg Hartmann, Eddie Moreno
Sound Engineers: Dan Duncheon, Tom Leff
Sound: John Kacergis
Technical Liason: Tom Leff
Publicity: Mary Francell
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: A New Play
Author: Not Found
Dates Performed: November 6, 7, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: SMC Campus
Artistic Staff
Director: Anne Patterson
Cast List
Not found
Production Staff
Notes: A woman's play produced in conjunction with the "Woman in the Year 2000" symposium.
Source(s) Reference to this play found in ND/SMC Theatre 81-81 Season programs, courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Duel of Angels
Author: Jean Giraudoux
Dates Performed: February 18, 19, 1982
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium
Artistic Staff
Not found
Cast List
Not found
Production Staff
Source(s) Reference to this play made in ND/SMC Theatre 81-82 Season programs courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: American Buffallo
Author: David Mamet
Dates Performed: March 26, 27, 1982
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Doug Kreitzberg
Set and Light Design: Doug Kreitzberg
Musical Director: Mike Daly
Cast List
Donny Dubrow: Chris Block
Bobby: Edmund Moreno
Walter Cole: Raul Aportela
Musicians: Paul Bertolini, Greg D'Alessandro, Mike Daly, Tom Kovacevic
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Joan Quinlan
Technical Director: Scott Thomas
Musical Arranger: Paul Kosidowski
Set Construction: Mary Pat Ellis, Joe Musemeci, Rachel Patterson, Maureen Ulicny
Costumes: Joan Quinlan
Light Board Operator: Elizabeth Bottum
Makeup Coordination: Joe Dolan
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
ND/SMC Underground Theatre
Play Title: The Girls Room
Author: Susan Begley
Dates Performed: December 10, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Susan Begley
Cast List
Narrator: Heidi Lucke
Snakes: Ellen Hackl
Zero 1: Pricilla Havlis
Zero 2: Brigid Streb
Veronica: Kim Hermann
Chipmunk: Joan Sheahan
Virgil: Mary O'Neal
Cicero: Liz Blakey
Freshman 1: Eleanor Gallo
Freshman 2: Mary Brosnahan
Dumpy Girl: Kerry Barnett
Stranger 1: Joan Ryan
Stranger 2: Marnie Hughes
Miss Nickle: Janie Parker
Heads: Corby Salek, Andrea Weber, Steve Navarre
Notes The ND/SMC Underground Theatre is largely the brainchild of
Professor Reginald Bain and his Production Workshop class (COTH 301),
and was inaugurated to provide an alternative space for alternative
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: His Just Desserts
Author: Susan Begley
Dates Performed: December 10, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall
Artistic Staff
Director: Julie Jensen
Cast List
M. Pere Gourier: Joe Dolan
M. Roger Deranger: Raul Aportela
Henri: Paul Costello
Guillame: Brian Crouth
M. Ameline: Joe Musumeci
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Ludlow Fair
Author: Lanford Wilson
Dates Performed: December 12, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Not Found
Artistic Staff
Director: Mark Pizzato
Source(s) Reference made in Underground Theatre original program for Two Original One-Act Plays courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Cowboy #2
Author: Sam Shepard
Dates Performed: December 12, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Not Found
Artistic Staff
Director: Reginald Bain
Source(s) Reference made in Underground Theatre original program for Two Original One-Act Plays courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play Title: Shafoose
Author: Adri Trigiani
Dates Performed: December 12, 1981
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Not Found
Artistic Staff
Director: Raul Aportela
Cast List
Source(s) Reference made in Underground Theatre original program for Two Original One-Act Plays courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
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