Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1984/1985 Academic Year
Notre Dame-Saint Mary's Theatre faculty:
Mark Pilkinton (ND), chair; Reginald Bain (ND); Julie Jensen (SMC); Willard Neuert (ND); Colleen Quinn (SMC); Frederic Syburg (ND); Linda Wigley (SMC)
Play: The Hothouse
Author: Harold Pinter
Dates: Friday and Saturday, October 5, 6 at 8:00 P.M., Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, October 11, 12, 13, 1984, at 8:00 P.M.
Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Saint Mary's Little Theatre [Moreau]
Artistic Staff
Director: Frederic Syburg
Set/Light Design: Willard Neuert
Costume Design: Linda Wigley
Cast List
Roote: Michael O'Keefe
Gibbs: Stephen Thomas
Lamb: Christopher Smith
Cutts: Susan McGinnis
Lush: Michael Morales
Tubb: John Sheehy
Lobb: Lynn Crowell
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Katie Byrnes
Master Carpenter: Philip Patnaude
Sound: Shawn Williams
Lights: Richard Lynch
Properties: Geralyn Connelly
Crew: Suzanne Dunlap, Richard Lynch, Joe McCabe, Chris Pomasl, Patty Scallen,
Shawn Williams
Costume Construction: Kerry Barnett, Julie Haske, Kathleen Hennessy, Laur-Ann Hindy,
Sheila Weisensee
House Manager: Ann Murphy
Box Office: Patricia Hart, Sheila Weisensee
Publicity: Kathleen Maccio, Katie Byrnes, Mala Wakin, Ave Green
Poster Design: Paul Wieber
Source: Program, courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play: The Dramatist
Author: Frederick Reynolds
Dates: November 30, December 1, 6, 7, 8, 1984, at 8:00 P.M.
Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium, Saint Mary's College
Artistic Staff
Director: Julie Jensen
Assistant to the Director: Suzanne Dunlap
Set/Light Design: Willard Neuert
Costume Design: Linda Wigley
Assistant Costume Design: Kathleen Hennessy
Makeup Design: Katie Byrnes
Cast List
Vapid: John Sheehy
Lord Scratch: Ave Green
Ennui: Kathleen Maccio
Willoughby: Kerry Barnett
Peter: Susan Pastrick
Florivelle: Susan McGinnis
Neville: William Boraczek
Louisa Courtney: Jane Anne Riedford
Marianne: Catherine Best
Lady Waitfort: Elizabeth Bottum
Letty: Lorri Wright
Production Staff
Technical Director: Philip Patnaude
Stage Manager: Suzanne Dunlap
Sound: Tim Nolan, Paul Matwiy
Lights: Charles Boudreaux, Richard Lynch, Mike Andrews, Steve Watson
Properties: Toni Rutherford (designer), Sharon Houk, Andra Liepa
Crew: Patty Scallen, Suzanne Dunlap, Chris Pomasl, Toni Rutherford,
Veronica Weadock, Kathleen Maccio, Ave Green John Sheehy,
William Boraczek, Susan McGinnis, Susan Pastrick, Kerry Barnett,
Lorri Wright, Elizabeth Bottum, Catherine Best, Jane Anne Riedford,
Katie Byrnes, Matt Kovatch, Steve Watson
Makeup Crew: Ann Corkcoran, Leslie Anne Wade, Ora Jones
Costume Construction: Kerry Barnett, Denise Blank, Julie Haske, Laur-Ann Hindy, Kathleen Hennessy,
Alice Kroeger, Kathleen Maccio, Eileen McQuarrie, Sheila Weisensee, Sue Spink
House Manager: Rachel Durkin
Box Office: Patricia Hart
Publicity: Kathleen Maccio, Mala Wakin, Katie Byrnes
Poster Design: Kathleen Desmond
Pianist: Clayton Henderson
Note: The American premiere of The Dramatist, this
production was entered in the American College Theatre Festival.
Stanley Lindberg, editor of The Eighteenth-Century Plays of Frederick
Reynolds, met with members of the audience after the Friday, December 7
Source: Program, courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Event: Introduction to Theatre end-of-term class project
Play: The Sacrifice of Isaac
Author: Anonymous [15th century English civic religious drama]
Dates: Tuesday and Wednesday, December 11, 12, 7, 8, 9, 1984
Producing Organization: Department of Communication and Theatre, COTH 135: Introduction to Theatre end-of-term project, in conjunction with The Notre Dame Shakespeare Club
Venue: Faculty Dining Room, upstairs in the South Dining Hall
Artistic and Production Staff
Director (and course instrutor): Mark Pilkinton
Student Director: Andrea Fujawa
Script Revision: Robert Salvino, Laurie Shea
Set: Diane Presti, Lelia Burke, Greg Bower, Mike O'Hagan, Peggy Schlachter, Laurie Shea
Stage Manager: John Sorenson
Wardrobe: Jennifer Palm, Maura Barille, Geri Connelly, Mary Fran Gisch, Susan Goett, Sheila McDaniel, Elizabeth Murphy, Cassie Perrone, Lucy Putnam
Properties: Dave Newman, Chris Cihak, K. C. Culum, Lisa Meehan, Lisa Perez, Terry Anne Wallmeyer
Publicity: Ted Bennett, John Darrow, Doug Hasler, Karen McNamara, Lara Speranza, Bonnie Spicher, Mary Ellen Waadt, Mary Williams
Cast List
Abraham: Jack Blakey
Isaac: Anne Marie Borgman
Deus: Pat Conlin
Angel: Eli August Coats, Jr.
Angel Helper #1: Christina Zimmermann
Angel Helper #2: Veronica Weadock
Ram: Mike II
Doctor: Meghan Anne Farley
Prompter: Ann Rathburn
Note: produced as part of the entertainment for the evening for the Shakespeare Club 1st annual Christmas Party. The Shakespeare Club produced Noah's Flood.
Source: Program and calendar notes, courtesy of Mark Pilkinton.
Play: Electra
Author: Sophocles
Translated by: Francis Fergusson
Choral passages newly translated by: Paul Roche
Dates: March 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 1985 at 8:00 P.M.
Producing Organization: Notre Dame/Saint Mary's Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall [newly renovated]
Artistic Staff
Director: Reginald Bain
Set/Light Design: Willard Neuert
Choreographer: Colleen Quinn
Costume/Makeup Design: Linda Wigley
Music Composed by: Reginald Bain, Jr.
Cast List
Electra: Ora Jones
Paidagogos: James Gallagher
Orestes: Michael O'Keefe
Pylades: Kevin Fitzpatrick
Chorus Leader: Mary Mullaney
Chorus: Debbie Adamczyk, Catherine Best, Anne Marie Borgman, Lynn Crowell,
Carolyn Joan Curran, Kathleen Hennessy, Lauren Longua, Susan Marie Pastrick,
Jane Anne Riedford, Monica Smith, Lorri Wright
Chrysothemis: Suzanne Dunlap
Clytemnestra: Susan McGinnis
Aegisthus: Michael McKay
Voice of the Poet: Paul Roche
Musicians: Laura Bain, Sharon Bain, Reginald Bain Jr., Paul Loughridge,
Dianne Grzeszczyk, Martha Lorber
Production Staff
Dramaturge: Paul Roche
Asst. Director: Katie Byrnes
Technical Director: Willard Neuert
Stage Manager: John Sheehy
Assistant Stage Manager: Annie Kotlinski
Master Carpenter: Phil Patnaude
Sound: Michael Laughlin
Lights: Tim Nolan
Technical Assistants: Kelly Carey, Suzanne Dunlap, Chris Patnaude, Chris Pomasl, Joseph Rulli,
Marc Bergin
Technical Lab Students: Greg Bower, Lauren Bundschuh, Lloyd Constable, Andrea Fujawa,
Lauren Longua, John Sheehy, Steve Watson, Students of COTH 135
Costume Construction: Kerry Barnett, Julie Haske, Kathleen Hennessy, Laura Ann Hindy,
Sheila Weisensee
Makeup Crew: Peggy Gisch
House Manager: Rachel Durkin
Box Office: Joseph McCabe
Publicity: Katie Byrnes, Susan McGinnis, Susan Marie Pastrick
Graphic Design: Anne Marie Schwegman
Note: The only play of the 1984-85 ND/SMC season produced on the Notre Dame campus. See Washington Hall at Notre Dame, 299.
Source: Program, courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play: We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay!
Author: Dario Fo
North American Version by: R. G. Davis
Dates: Friday and Saturday, May 3, 4 at 8:00 P.M., Sunday, May 5 at 2:30 P.M., Thursday and Friday, May 16, 17 [commencement weekend], at 8:00 P.M., 1985
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium
Artistic Staff
Director: Mark Pilkinton
Dramaturg: John Welle
Set Design: Willard Neuert
Costume Design: Linda Wigley
Asst. Director: John Sheehy
Cast List
Tourist Agent: Javi Mulero
Antonia: Monica Smith
Margherita: Anne Marie Borgman
Giovanni: Jack Blakey
Sergeant/Lieutenant/Undertaker/Old Man: Peter Hendrickson
Luigi: Michael Grant
Piano Player: Doug Pishkur
Production Staff
Technical Director: Willard Neuert
Stage Manager: Adam Steven
Master Carpenter: Philip Patnaude
Special Effects: Steven Watson, Joseph Ruelli
Lights: Suzanne Dunlap
Properties: Stephen Thomas
Set Construction: Greg Bower, Lauren Bundschuh, Andrea Fujawa, Lauren Longua,
John Sheehy, Kelly Carey, Lloyd Constable, Suzanne Dunlap, Chris Patnaude,
Chris Pomasl, Students from COTH 135 and COTH 272
Costume Construction: Kerry Barnett, Julie Haske, Kathleen Hennessy, Laur-Ann Hinday,
Sheila Weisensee, Megan Constock
House Manager: Rachel Durkin
Asst. House Manager: Warren Wilson
Box Office: Eileen Lawrence
Publicity: Katie Byrnes, Susan McGinnis, Susan Pastrick
Poster Design: Anne Marie Schwegman
Note: Dedicated to Frederic Syburg, who is completing his thirtieth year at Notre Dame.
Also see the Friday, May 3, 1985, South Bend Tribune review of this production.
Source:Program,, courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Performance: Student Dance Concert
Producer: Christopher Smith
Dates Performed: November 15, 16, 1985
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: The Dance Studio
Dance Title: Purple Mountain, Christopher Smith (Choreographer)
Dancers: Kara Amis, Charles Dobson, Caroline Wittenberg
Dance Title: Joplin's Jazz, Cathy Schaefer (Choreographer)
Dancers: Paula Ballantine, John Berestka, Kathy Bryan, Molly Walsh,
Marybeth Carvalho, Susan Eisenhauer, J. L. Krumenacker, Jennifer Payne,
Kelly Neises, Rebecca Nanovic, Colleen McFee, Eileen Lawrence,
Gail Krzyskowski, Patricia Romano, Ann Troester, Christina Zimmermann
Dance Title: Maniac, Cathy Schaefer (Choreographer)
Dancers: Patricia Romano, Suzanne Saletta, Cathy Schaefer
Dance Title: Delta, Colleen Quinn (Faculty Choreographer)
Dancers: Stephen Blaha, Diane Jacob, Christopher Smith
Dance Title: 1/2 75 Yards, Kathleen Maccio (Choreographer)
Dancers: Kerry Barnett, Elizabeth Bottum, Katie Byrnes, Kathleen Maccio
Dance Title: Isadora, Isadora Duncan (Choreographer)
Dancer: Colleen Quinn (Faculty artist)
Pianist: Linda Butler
Dance Title: Far From Over, Patricia Romano (Choreographer)
Dancers: Charles Dobson, J. L. Krumenacker, Robbie Lee, Jennifer Payne,
Suzanne Saletta, Cathy Schaefer, Tom Treat
Production Staff
Faculty Advisors: Colleen Quinn, Willard Neuert
Scenic Artists: Veronica Weadock, Patricia Kealey, Jennifer Niederst, David Donovan, Peter (?)
Lights: Christopher Smith, Willard Neuert, Michael Morales
Costumes: Linda Wigley and choreographers
Source: Program courtesy of Frederic Syburg
Student Directing Finals
Washington Hall Laboratory Theatre
Play: The Lover
Author: Harold Pinter
Dates Performed: unknown
Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall Lab Theatre
Artistic Staff
Directed by: Lauren Bundschuh
Stage Manager: Judy Gibbons
Cast List
Richard: Dan Maier
Sarah: Lisa Graham
The Milkman: Joe Coogan
Notes: Offerd in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 484, Stage Directing II.
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play: Medea
Author: Jean Anouilh
Dates Performed: April 25, 26, 1985
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall Lab Theatre
Artistic Staff
Directed by: Suzanne Dunlap
Stage Manager: Mary Hocks
Cast List
Mesea: Catherine Best
The Nurse: Lorri Wright
The Messenger: Elizabeth Murphy
Creon: Kevin Fitzpatrick
Jason: Darrell Claypool
The Children: Kevin Murphy, Connor Murphy
Notes: Offerd in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 484, Stage Directing II.
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play: The Women at the Tomb
Author: Michel de Ghelderode
Dates Performed: April 27, 28, 1985
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall Lab Theatre
Artistic Staff
Directed by: Peter Hendrickson
Stage Manager: Terry Donovan
Cast List
The Midwife: Lynn Crowell
The Layer-Out of the Dead: Kathleen Bertino
Magdalene: Mary Murphy
Martha: Jenny Uber
Mary, her sister: Leah Domitrovic
Veronica: Clare Van Hecke
John: James Dudney
The Old Woman: Elaine Jackson
Yochabeth: Terry Donovan
The Woman Cured of an Issue of Blood: Cora Smith
Notes: Offerd in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 484, Stage Directing II.
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play: Lone Star
Author: James McLure
Dates Performed: April 27, 28, 1985
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall Lab Theatre
Artistic Staff
Directed by: Susan McGinnis
Cast List
Roy: Patrick Manson
Ray: Patrick Giblin
Cletis: Leo Gomez
Notes: Offerd in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 484, Stage Directing II.
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play: A Coupla White Chicks Sitting Around Talking
Author: John Ford Noonan
Dates Performed: April 29, 30, 1085
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall Lab Theatre
Artistic Staff
Directed by: Toni Rutherford
Lights: Dominic Lee
Sound: Richard Lynch
Cast List
Maude: Jan Czop
Hannah Mae: Paula Bourjaily
Notes: Offerd in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 484, Stage Directing II.
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play: A Life in the Theatre
Author: David Mamet
Dates Performed: May 1, 2, 1985
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall Lab Theatre
Artistic Staff
Directed by: Katie Byrnes
Stage Manager: Jeanette Verdoorn
Stage Crew: Kerry Barnett
Cast List
Robert: Mike McKay
John: Kurt Holzberlein
Note: Offerd in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 484, Stage Directing II.
Source: Program, courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
Play: The Actor's Nightmare
Author: Christopher Durang
Dates: May 6, 7, 1985
Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall Lab Theatre
Artistic Staff
Director: Christopher Pomasl
Lights: Tini Rutherford
Cast List
George Spelvin: Greg Martin
Meg: Lenore Massa
Sarah Siddons: Jane Anne Riedford
Ellen: Lauren Longua
Henry Christopher: Pomasl
Notes: Offered in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 484, Stage Directing II.
Source: Program, courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
last edited by Mark Pilkinton, April 14, 2013
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