Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1988-1989 Academic Year
University of Notre Dame
Department of Communication and Theatre
Faculty and Staff
Reginald F. Bain, Thomas M. Barkes, James Collins (on leave), Pamela Falkenberg (on leave), Philip Gentile, Rev. Arthur S. Harvey, C.S.C., (Emeritus), Theodore E. Mandell, Mary Mitchell (Secretary), Willard R. Neuert, James D. Peterson, Mark Pilkinton (Chairman), Hilary Radner, Frederic Syburg
Washington Hall Staff
Facility Manager: Tom Barkes
House Managers: Andrew Gray, Tim Sutton, Mick Slattery
Janitor: Tom Shuamber
Play: Iphigeneia At Aulis
Author: Euripides
Dates Performed: Fall, 1988
Venue: Center for Social Concerns
Director: Tom Booker
Stage Manager: Charles Ambrose Lobdell, III
Assistant Stage Manager: Edward Bottei
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
Agamemnon: Larry Brinley
Messenger: Charles Ambrose Lobdell, III
Old Man: Brian Maddox
Achilles: Brian Shea
Choryphaos: Nancy O'Connor
Clytemnestra: Laurie Shea
Menelaos: Eli A. Coats
Iphigeneia: Amy Costantini
Armor Bearer: Edward Bottei
Chorus: Robin Dvorak, Mary Albertoli
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play: An Evening of German Expressionism
Dates Performed: Fall, 1988
Venue: Washington Hall Laboratory Theatre
Director: Eli A. Coats, Jr.
Stage Manager: Matthew B. Cook
Properties: Patricia S. Cook
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
The Immortal One
Author: Yvan Goll
Sebastian: Richard Goode
Balloon: David Gallivan
Olga: Susan Foley
Lupus: Robin Dvorak
Strohalm: Nancy O'Connor
Gentleman: Patrick McCabe
Policeman: Patricia Cook
Soapbox Orator: Jennifer Buehler
Pastryshop Girl: Siiri Scott
Lieutenant: Matt Cook
Bride: Megan McCabe
Bridegroom: Eric Hunter
Gas: Part II
Author: Georg Kaiser
Chief Engineer: Susan Foley
Billionaire Worker: Siiri Scott
1st Figure in Blue: Nancy O'Connor
1st Figure in Yellow: Robin Dvorak
2nd Figure in Blue: Patrick McCabe
2nd Figure in Yellow: Patrick McCabe
3rd Figure in Blue: Eric Hunter
3rd Figure in Yellow: Megan McCabe
4th Figure in Blue: Patricia Cook
4th Figure in Yellow: Patricia Cook
5th Figure in Blue: Richard Goode
5th Figure in Yellow: Richard Goode
6th Figure in Blue: Jennifer Buehler
6th Figure in Yellow: Jennifer Buehler
7th Figure in Blue: David Gallivan
7th Figure in Yellow: David Gallivan
Young Worker: Patrick McCabe
Girl: Robin Dvorak
Man: Richard Goode
Woman: Nancy O'Connor
Old Man: Eric Hunter
Old Woman: Megan McCabe
Workers: Patricia Cook, David Gallivan, Jennifer Buehler
Notes: Offered in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 444, Directing Practicum.
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: Antigone
Author: Jean Anouilh
Dates Performed: Oct. 5 -9, 1988
Venue: O'Laughlin Aud.
Director: Roberta Rude
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: SMC Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Source(s) Notre Dame Communication and Theatre Dept. Files
Play Title: Purgatory
Author: William Butler Yeats
Dates Performed: Fall, 1988
Venue: Washington Hall Lab Theatre
Director: Raul Gonzales
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
Old Man: Kathryn Schimmel
Mother: Sheila O'Donnell
Boy: Kristen Schumacher
Father: Patricia Hale
Notes: Offered as partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 344, Directing Process
Source(s) Notre Dame Communication and Theatre Dept. Files
Play Title: The Bald Soprano (Anti-play)
Author: Eugene Ionesco
Dates Performed: Fall, 1988
Venue: Washington Hall Lab Theatre
Director: Daniel Gore
Stage Manager: Karen Zagrocki
Technical Director: Michael Murphy
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
Mrs. Smith: Jill Favero
Mr. Martin: Jay Barry
Mr. Smith: Nate FitzGerald
Mrs. Martin: Megan McCabe
Mary: Liza Yurchak
Fire Chief: Joe Clair
Clock: Rob Meffe
Notes: Offered as partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 344, Directing Process
Source(s) Notre Dame Communication and Theatre Dept. Files
Play Title: Reasonable Circulation
Author: P. J. Barry
Dates Performed: Fall, 1988
Venue: Washington Hall Lab Theatre
Director: Daniel Graf
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
Sandra Horowitz: Rachel Zutell
John Trainor: Ken Sheehan
Colleen Dugan: Gretchen Schaller
Norman Kent: Andy Lambertson
Marta Perez: Stephanie Brick:
Notes: Offered as partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 344, Directing Process
Source(s) Notre Dame Communication and Theatre Dept. Files
Play Title: The Boor
Author: Anton Chekhov
Dates Performed: Fall, 1988
Venue: Washington Hall Lab Theatre
Director: Tom Howley
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
Popova: Kristen Benedict
Smirnov: Christopher Bettis
Anya: Patricia Hale
Notes: Offered as partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 344, Directing Process
Source(s) Notre Dame Communication and Theatre Dept. Files
Play: Twelfth Night
Author: William Shakespeare
Dates: Wed., Nov. 9 through Sunday matinee, Nov. 12, 1988
Venue: Washington Hall
Director: Mark Pilkinton
Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
Orsino: Tim Deenihan
Valentine: Jason Winslade
Curio: James Nelis
First Officer: Nate FitzGerald
Second Officer: James Nelis
Viola: Roberta Dvorak
Sebastian: Will McNulty
Captain: Patrick Tuite
Antonio: Jay Berry
Olivia: Kathryn Schimmel
Maria: Nancy O'Connor
Sir Toby Belch: Tony Lawton
Sir Andrew Aguecheek: Joseph Keller
Malvolio: Nick Simon
Fabian: J.J. Ryan
Clown: Joseph Medel
Servant: Karen Carbone
Priest: Martin Sprunck
Pianist: Matthew Grayson
Flutist: Laura LaVelle
Artistic Staff
Set and Lighting Designer: Willard Neuert
Costume Designer: Richard E. Donnelly
Musical Director: Matthew Grayson
Stage Manager: Sheila L. Hanahan
Production Staff
Graphic Design: Paul Wieber
Assistant Stage Manager: Jill Favero
Publicity: Kate Manuel, Cindy Sandfort
Construction and Running Crews
Costumer: Jane Paunicka
Master Carpenter: Theodore E. Mandell
Technical Crew: Tim Brown, Steve Cahill, Tim Cashin, Brian
Condit, John Dwyer, Tricia Grohman, Monica Letoto, Michael Murphy,
Brian Padian, Kevin Russell, Julie Sweet, Karen Zagrocki
Notes: "Fast-paced Shakespeare packs Washington Hall"--Carla Johnson, South Bend Tribune, Nov. 11, 1988, B9. Matthew Grayson composed original music for this production. Also see "Shakespeare play goes a little crazy", Sunday, Nov. 6.
Source: Program, Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Play/Event: Qi Shu-Fang Peking Opera Troupe of Shanghai
Dates: Sunday, Dec. 4, 3:30 P.M. and Mon., Dec. 5, 8:00 P.M., 1988
Venue: Washington Hall
Producing Organization: Office of the Provost as part of the "Year of Cultural Diversity"
Venue: Washington Hall
Notes: This was the troupe's first American tour.
Source: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Play Title: The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
Author: Jay Presson Allen
Dates Performed: Feb. 22 - 26, 1989
Director: Julie Jensen
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: SMC DEPT. OF COMM. AND THEATRE
Venue: O'Laughlin Aud.
Source(s) Notre Dame Communication and Theatre Dept. Files
Play Title: The Power and the Glory
Author: Dennis Cannan and Pierre Bost
Dates Performed: April 19 - 23, 1989
Director: Reginald Bain
Stage Manager: Kristen Schumacher
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
The Priest: Michael Murphy
The Lieutenant: Duane J. DiFranco
Padre Jose: Jason L. Winslade
His Wife: Rachel Zutell
Mr. Tench: Mark Constanzi
The Chief of Police: Kevin Kennedy
Luis: Daniel Biros
The Girl: Sheila L. Hanahan
The Sergeant: Gerald Welch
Dominguez: Megan Hines
Montillo: Patrick B. Tuite
Diaz: William McNulty
Coral Fellows: Karen Carbone
Mrs. Fellows: Robin Dvorak
Captain Fellows: Jay Barry
The Mother: K. Lynn Berry
The Father: Timothy Deenihan
First Daughter: Sheila L. Hanahan
Second Daughter: Nancy O'Connor
The Mule: Mark Costanzi
Maria: Siiri S. Scott
Francisco: William McNulty
Miguel: Gerald Welch
Eduardo: Jay Barry
Old Woman: Megan Hines
Francisco's Mother: Robin Dvorak
Brigitta: Deandra M. Villarreal
First Soldier: Patrick B. Tuite
Second Soldier: Nicholas Simon
Third Soldier: Joseph Keller
The Mestizo: Tony Lawton
The Beggar: Patrick B. Tuite
The Governor's Cousin: Timothy Deenihan
First Red Shirt: Gerald Welch
Second Red Shirt: Nicholas Simon
Lopez: Joseph Keller
Prisoner: Nicholas Simon
Drunkard: Jay Barry
Woman in the Prison: Robin Dvorak
The Dog: William McNulty
Indian Woman with Child: Siiri S. Scott
Vittorio: Patrick B. Tuite
Vittorio's Wife: Rachel Zutell
Obregon: Nicholas Simon
The Schoolmaster: Timothy Deenihan
Obregon's Wife: Nancy O'Connor
Alvarez: Jay Barry
Second Indian Woman: Sheila L. Hanahan
Peasant Woman: Megan Hines
The Stranger: William McNulty
Production Staff
Producer: Mark Pilkinton
Assistant Director: Daniel Gore
Graphic Designer: Marty Schalm
Assistant Stage Managers: Kelli Karpick, Gail Kelly
Publicity: Lisa Favre
Ticket Office Staff:
Mark Uba, Robin Dvorak, John McMahon, Nancy O'Connor
Wardrobe Manager: Jane Paunicka
Sititcher: Sue Spink
Master Carpenter: Theodore E. Mandell
Technical Crew: Tim Brown, Tim Cashin, John Dwyer, Nate FitzGerald, Eric Gorman,Kate Manuel, Michael Murphy, Brian Padian, Kevin Russell, Julie Sweet,
Brian Condit, Christina Telesca
Source(s) Original Program - Notre Dame Communication and Theatre Dept. Files
Play Title: True West
Author: Sam Shepard
Dates Performed: February, 1989
Venue: Lab Theatre
Director: Kevin Kennedy
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Karen Carbone
Asst. Stage Manager: Heather Willihnganz
Props: Kathryn Schimmel
Lights: Joe Keller
Sound: Stacie Stam
Cast List
Lee: Tony Lawton
Austin: Joe Medel
Saul Kimmer: Scott Tallarida
Mom: Lanier Emery
Notes: Offered in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 444, Directing Practicum.
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Lab Scene
Play Title: Agnes of God
Author: John Pielmeier
Dates Performed: March 1, 2, 1989
Venue: Lab Theatre
Director: Michel Murphy
Stage Manager: Karen Zagrocki
Lighting Coordinator: Brian Condit
Musical Director: Rob Meffe
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
Agnes: Mary Kathryn Larsen
Mother Miriam Ruth: Karen Carbone
Doctor Martha Livingstone: Robin Dvorak
Notes: Offered in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 444, Directing Practicum
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: American Buffalo
Author: David Mamet
Dates Performed: March 19, 20, 1989
Director: Joseph Keller
Venue: Lab Theatre
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Timothy Caddo
Assistant Stage Manager: Mark McClew
Property Mistress: Eileen Gallagher
Lights: Kevin Kennedy
Cast List :
Don Dubrow: Mark Costanzi
Bobby: Patrick Tuite
Walter Cole: Michael Murphy
Notes: Offered in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 444, Directing Practicum.
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: Edith Stein
Author: Anthony Giron
Dates Performed: April 27, 28, 1989
Director: Kathryn Schimmel
Venue: Lab Theatre
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Karen Zagrocki
Asst. Stage Manager: Carol Eble
Lighting Designer: Brian Condit
Lighting Operator: Kristen Schumacher
Set Designer: Michael Murphy
Sound Designer: Bridget McGrath
Sound Operator: Robin Dvorak
Costume/Make-up Manager: Gretchen Schaller
Cast List
Reverend Mother: Lisa Kosty
Sister Ruth/ Girl: Mary Michael Justice
Saul Wiseman: Scott Tallarida
Franzy: Chris Bettis
Edith Stein: Amy McFadden
Boy/ Farmer/ Nazi: Jim Nelis
Clara: Amy Ursano
Bernhardt/ Boy: Tony Bosco
Frau Stein: Stella Sison
Hannah Reinach: Kristen Benedict
Sister Prudence/ Woman: Dianne Lucian
Karl-Heinz: Eli Coats
Prioress: Cecilia Martin
Notes: Offered in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 444, Directing Practicum.
Source(s) Play Poster - Dr. Reginald Bain
1989 Catherine Hicks Award: Nancy E. O'Connor
last edited by Mark C. Pilkinton, July 16, 2012
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