Specialized Indexes > Theatre Chronology
1989/1990 Academic Year
Play: Tartuffe
Author: Molière
Dates Performed: Oct. 11 - 15, 1989
Venue: Washington Hall
Director: Reginald Bain
Stage Manager: Christina Telesca
Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre presents an ND/SMC Theatre production
Cast List
Mme. Pernelle: Rachel Zutell
Flipote: Katy Blakey
Elmire: Karen Carbone
Dorine: Robin Dvorak
Damis: Patrick Tuite
Mariane: Helene Mengert
Cleante: Matt Nash
Valere: Timothy Deenihan
Laurent: David Foster
Tartuffe: Gerald Welch
M.Loyal: Jason Winslade
The King's Officer: Francis Freeley
Production Staff
Costume Designer: Richard E. Donnelly
Set and Light Designer: Kevin Dreyer
Wigmaster: Cynthia L. Falkowski
Stage Manager: Christina Telesca
Assistant Stage Manager: Julie Sweet
Wardrobe Manager: Jane Paunicka
Asst. Wardrobe Manager: Shere Everett/
Mask Construction: Matt Kovatch
Master Carpenter: Eric Gorman
Scene Painter: Lisa Schiffgens
Prop Manager: Kassie Misiewicz
Prop Crew: Rachel Bomberger, Peter Conwell
Sound Technician: Lisa McMahon
Master Electrician: John Shipman
Technical Crew: Tony Bosco, Tim Brown, Tim Cashin, Chris Infante,
Kate Manuel, Amy Ursano, Rachell Zutell
Original Music for the production has been composed by Reginald F. Bain, Jr.
Paintings for this production were painted by Lisa Schiffgens.
Source: Program, University of Notre Dame Department of Communication and Theatre
Play: The Three Sisters
Author: Anton Chekhov
Dates Performed: Nov. 15 - 19, 1989
Director: Roberta Rude
Venue: O'Laughlin Auditorium
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Saint Mary's College presents an ND/SMC Theatre production
Artistic Staff
Directors: F. Leslie Baird, Roberta Rude
Sets by: Luis Ramirez
Costumes by: Linda Wigley
Lights by: Thomas Whipkey
Asst. Director: Shawna Rheaume
Asst. Costume Designer: Jenna Huss
Music Director: Matthew Grayson
Research Assists.: Eileen Gallagher, Amy McFadden
Cast List
Olga: Claudia Wilson
Irina: Leisa Heintzelman
Masha: Jill Nicole Favero
Lt. the Baron Tusenbach: Tony Bosco
Dr. Chebutykin: Andy Morrow
Jr. Captain Solyony: James Nelis
Anfisa: Colleen Loeffler
Ferapont: Paul Guilbault
Soldiers: Phil Shaffalo, Tom Veltz
Lt. Col. Vershinin: Will McNulty
Andrey Prozorov: Thomas McBride
Kulygin: Jason Winslade
Natasha: Siiri Scott
2nd Lt. Fedotik: Glenn Rosswurm II
2nd Lt. Rhode: Terry Coyne
Soldier/Pianist: Matthew Grayson
Nursemaid: Cecelia Martin
Maid: Kelli Patrice Karpick
Peasant Musician: Lisa Devereaux
Peasant Musician/Violinist: Eric Griggs
Production Staff
Producer: Roberta Rude
Stage Manager: Eileen Gagel
Technical Director: Thomas Whipkey
Assistant Stage Manager: Katherine Grahm
Sound Technician: Jenna Huss
Poster/Program Design: Luis Ramirez
Hair Design: David Weist
Publicity: Julie Flemming, Kelli Karpick
Photographer: Larry McCay
House Managers: Julie Drey, Katrina Lentych
Shop Supervisor: Thomas Whipkey
Set Construction: Karen Bell, Deirdra Burke, Helen Burke, Lisa Devereaux,
Christine O'Meara, Helen Snyder
Set Crew: Tony Bosco, Jen Bouska, Beth Caponigro, Rasha Elganzoui,
Jill Favero, Karen Farrell, Paul Guilbault, Stephanie Libert,
Colleen Loeffler, Cecelia Martin, Stef Olech, Molly O'Shaughnessy,
Melissa Palm, Amy Schelde, Michelle Seery, Tom Veltz, Molly Weiland
Scenic Artists: Lisa Devereaux, Eileen Gagel, Amy McFadden, Siiri Scott, Helen Snyder,
Claudia Wilson
Light Board Operator: Gerald Welch
Sound Board Operator: Kathyrn Jansey
Head Wardrobe: Jenna Huss, Kelli Karpick, Stephanie Lochman, Amy McFadden, Sarah Morris,
Claudia Wilson
Costume Crew: Ana Arriaga, Andrea DesLauriers, Beth Goett, Molly McBride,
Cathleen Meere, Colleen Rhattigan, Kerry Scanlon, Maureen Wozniak,
Molly Weiland
Cressers: Rachel Lamb, Amy Savelle
Head Props: Cecelia Martin, Amy McFadden
Prop Crew: Liz Beckley, Eileen Gallagher, Katherine Graham, Molly O'Shaughnessy,
Erin Pitt, Phil Shaffalo
Source: Program, Notre Dame Communication and Theatre and Frederic Syburg Private Collection.
Play: Tiny Alice
Author: Edward Albee
Dates Performed: December 8-9, 1989
Director: Scott Tallarida
Venue: Washington Hall Lab Theatre
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
Julian: Matt Nash
Miss Alice: Helene Mengert
Lawyer: Gerald Welch
Butler: Fran Feeley
Cardinal: Chris Bettis:
Chorus: Katy Blakey, Kim Tracy, Leisa Heintzelman,Amy McFadden
Carol Meaney, Kristin Saddie, Kassie Misiewicz
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Robin Dvorak
Assistant Stage Manager: Tim Brown
Props Mistress: Debbie Meck
Costume Design: Christina Telesca and Rachel Zutell
Lighting Design: Brian Condit
Lighting Technician: Tim Brown
Sound Technician: Colin Quinn
Choreography: Leisa Heintzelman
Castle Design: Mike Gatti
Castle Lighting Design: Eric Gorman
Castle Lighting Technician: Patrick B. Tuite
Original Music by: Scott Tallarida and Colin Quinn
Notes: Offered as partial fulfillment of the requirements for COTH 444, Directing Practicum
Source: Program, Reginald Bain Private Collection
Play: The Importance of Being Earnest
Author: Oscar Wilde
Dates Performed: Feb. 28 - March 4, 1990
Venue: Washington Hall
Director: Fred Syburg
Stage Manager: Rachel Zutell
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre presents an ND/SMC production
Cast List
John Worthing, J.P.: Matt Nash
Lane: Mario Borelli
Algernon Moncrieff: Timothy Deenihan
Lady Bracknell: Kate Burke
Rev. Canon Chasuble, D.D.: Gerald Welch
Cecily Cardew: Tasha Gutting
Merriman: David Foster
Miss Prism: Helene Mengert
Brigid: Molly O'Shaughnessy
Mr. Gribsby: Thomas Williams
Production Staff
Producer: Mark Pilkinton
Graphic Designer: Paul Wieber
Publicity Manager: Chris May
Publicity Crew: Sonia Miller, Annete Semanchin, Kim Thornton, Chris Welch
Assistant Stage Managers: Julie Sweet, Timothy Brown, Tony Bosco
Wardrobe Manager: Jane Paunicka
Assistant Wardrobe Manager: Shere Everett
Lighting Technician: John Shipman
Sound Technician: Kate Manuel
Prop Manager: Maggie MacDonald
Prop Crew: Julie Bennett, Tara O'Brien, Maria Rogers
Set Construction Crew: Peter Bohan, Timothy Brown, Jeff Cabotage Tim Cashin, Gretchen Flicker,
Eric Gorman, Amy Houn, Kate Manuel, Tara O'Brien, Maria Rogers,
John Shipman, Jeff Squyres, Julie Stavisky, Julie Sweet
Running Crew: Gretchen Flicker, Carra Pitts, Jeff Squyers, Julie Stavisky
Source(s) Original Program - Notre Dame Communication and Theatre Dept. Files
Play Title: Dance 90
Choreographer: Indi Dieckgrafe
Dates Performed: April 4 - 8, 1990
Venue: O'Laughlin Aud.
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: SMC DEPT. OF COMM. AND THEATRE
Source(s) Notre Dame Communication and Theatre Dept. Files
Play Title: The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds
Author: Paul Zindel
Dates Performed: December 2-3, 1989
Venue: Lab Theatre
Director: Mark Costanzi
Stage Manager: Jenna Huss
Props / Sound: Eileen Gallagher
Lighting: Kevin Kennedy
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
Tillie: Siiri Scott
Nanny: Megan Hines
Beatrice: Heather Willihnganz
Janice: Amy McFadden
Ruth: Karen Carbone
Peter: Poof
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Jenna Huss
Props/Sound: Eileen Gallagher
Lighting: Kevin Kennedy
Notes: Offered in partial fulfillment of COTH 344, Directing Process.
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: Opening Night
Author: Sam Bobrick
Dates Performed: May 3, 1990
Venue: Lab Theatre
Director: Thomas Cooper
Stage Manager: Elizabeth Bajura
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
Playwright: Matthew Grayson
Hit Man: Michael Roe
Notes: Offered in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 344, Directing Process
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: The Golden Bull of Boredom
Author: Lorees Yerby
Dates Performed: May 3, 1990
Venue: Lab Theatre
Director: Gerry Smith
Stage Manager: Debbie Meck, Tracy Birmingham
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
Slippers: Scott Tallarida
Shoes: Dave Raedy
Heels: Richard McBrien
Notes: Offered in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 344, Directing Process
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: The Twelve Pound Look
Author: Sir James M. Barrie
Dates Performed: May 4, 1990
Venue: Lab Theatre
Director: Rachel Bomberger
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
Kate: Caroln Daly
Lady Sims: Malene Terry
Sir Harry: Mario Borelli
Tombes: Mathew Bomberger
Notes: Offered in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 344, Directing Process
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: Talk to Me Like the Rain and Let Me Listen
Author: Tennessee Williams
Dates Performed: May 4, 1990
Venue: Lab Theatre
Director: Christine Rosso
Stage Manager: Peter Hollingshead
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
Man: Jack Pirris
Woman: Tasha Gutting
Notes: Offered in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 344, Directing Process
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: The Sandbox
Author: Edward Albee
Dates Performed: May 4, 1990
Venue: Lab Theatre
Director: James Nelis
Stage Manager: Monica McGee
Musical Director: Elizabeth Sherowski
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
Young Man: Carl D. Rohling
Musican: Cheryl Ann Blain
Mommy: Rachel Zutell
Grandma: Stacy O'Grady
Daddy: Dylan T. McKenna
Notes: Offered in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 344, Directing Process
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: Buddha
Author: Katherine Houghton
Dates Performed: May 4, 1990
Venue: Lab Theatre
Director: Tim Flood
Stage Manager: Pat Brennan
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
Frederick: Paul Gleixner
Phoebe: Mary Katherine Larson
Notes: Offered in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 344, Directing Process
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
Play Title: The Actor's Nightmare
Author: Christopher Durang
Dates Performed: May 4, 1990
Venue: Lab Theatre
Director: Robin Dvorak
Stage Manager: Tim Brown
Assistant Stage Manager: Carra Pitts
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: Notre Dame Communication and Theatre
Cast List
George: Joe Herman
Meg: Alyssa Moehle
Sarah: Myndy Crist
Henry: Steve Dyokas
Ellen: Beth Ann Fennely
Notes: Offered in partial fulfillment of the requirements of COTH 344, Directing Process
Source(s) Play Program - Dr. Reginald Bain
A May 15, 1990, press release announced that Notre Dame and
Saint Mary's College would separate their theatre seasons, resulting in completely
separate theatre programs. (Press Release, Tom Barkes, May 15, 1990)
Play: Animal Farm
Author: George Orwell
Adapted for the stage by: Peter Hall
Music by: Richard Peaslee
Lyrics by: Adrian Mitchell
Dates Performed: July 26- 29, 1990
Sponsoring/Producing Organization: ND/SMC Theatre
Venue: Washington Hall Lab Theatre
Artistic Staff
Directed by: Reginald Bain
Sets and Lights: Mike Miller
Music Director/Accompanist: Jon McMahon
Cast List
Mr. Jones/Pig/Sheep: Shawn Pierre Trotter
Boxer/Farmer: David Anderson
Clover/Hen: Christine Heslin
Muriel/Hen: Carol Meaney
Mollie/Pig/Hen: Amy O'Brien
Moses/Benjamin: Danny Lenard
Napoleon: Richard Culp
Squealer: Michael Roe
Mr. Pilkington/Cow/Dog: Peter Flemming
Hen at the trials: Kathleen Dewey
Old Major/Sheep/Dog/Mr. Whymper: Tom Crehan
Snowball/Sheep/Farmer/Man from town: Mike Miller
Production Staff
Stage Manager: Kathleen Dewey
Assistant to the Director: Amy O'Brien
Properties: Christine Heslin, Michael Roe
Light Board Operators: Chris McCartin, Kathleen Dewey
Promotion/Publicity/House: Tasha Gutting
Poster/Program Design: Mike Miller
Photography: Jon McMahon
Notes: Summer Theatre Workshop
Source(s) Original program courtesy of Frederic Syburg.
1990 Catherine Hicks Award: Robin Dvorak
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