Academic Development:
University of Notre Dame
Past, Present and Future
by Philip S. Moore, C.S.C.
Table of Contents
Frontier school, college, university *
First twenty-five years - the Collegiate Course *
Expansion beyond the Collegiate Course *
Gradual identification of High School and College *
Inchoate stirrings toward university status - Father John A. Zahm *
The Crisis under Father Andrew Morrissey *
The second decade of the twentieth century - Father John W. Cavanaugh *
Discontinuance of the High School and beginning of Graduate Studies - Father James A. Burns *
Summary *
Chapter I - The College of Arts and Letters
The Collegiate-Classical Course * ; *
The English Course *
The Course in History and Economics *
Journalism, Course and School of *
The Commerce Course *
Education, Course and School of *
Music, Department of and School of Fine Arts *
Speech, Department of *
Art, Department of *
Library Science, Department and School of *
The introduction of majors or major sequences *
Revision of the curriculum in 1954 *
General Program in Liberal Education *
Chapter II The College of Science
The Scientific - General Science Course *
Department of Natural and Physical Science: Museum and Herbaria *
Biology, Course and Department of *
Pharmacy, Course and Department of *
Chemistry, Course and Department of *
Medicine, Department of *
Agriculture, Department of *
Mathematics, Department of *
Physics, Department of *
Astronomy, Department of *
Geology, Department of *
Chapter III - The College of Engineering
Civil Engineering, Course and Department of *
Mechanical Engineering, Course and Department of *
Institute of Technology *
Electrical Engineering, Course and Department of *
Architecture, Course, College, Department of *
Chemical Engineering, Department of *
Mining Engineering, Department of *
Industrial Engineering and Industrial Engineer *
Drawing - Graphics, Department of *
Metallurgy - Metallurgical Engineering, Department of *
Aeronautical Engineering, Department of *
Engineering Mechanics - Engineering Science, Department of *
Chapter IV - The College of Commerce
Mercantile Department *
Commercial Course, School, High School *
Commerce, Department of in College of Arts and Letters *
Commerce, Foreign *
Founding of College *
Programs and Major Sequences *
Engineering Administrator *
Establishing of Departments *
Criticism of Commerce education *
Revision of program, 1951-56; Program for Administrators *
Chapter V - The Law School
Law Department and its programs *
Reorganization of 1883 *
Program revision, 1890 *
Introduction of case method *
The Master of Laws program *
Complete revision of bachelor's program, 1898 *
Change of title to School of Law, 1898, and College of Law, 1905 *
The Moot Court and other Courts *
The Faculty *
Programs 1905-1920 * ; *
Programs 1920-1950 *
Notre Dame Law Reporter *
Notre Dame Lawyer *
Natural Law Institute and Natural Law Forum *
Program revision, 1953 *
Chapter VI - The Graduate School
Unorganized beginnings; the Master's degree, 1855-1905 *
First step toward organization, 1906 *
First announcement of doctor's degree, 1906 *
Requirements for advanced degrees, but no prescribed programs, 1906-1924 *
First earned doctor's degree conferred *
Reorganization of graduate administration and requirements, 1921 *
Establishment of Summer School, 1918 *
Graduate programs 1924-1932 *
Revision of programs and formal establishment of the Graduate School, 1932 *
Development and expansion of graduate work, 1932-38 *
Appointment of Dean and Graduate Council, 1944 *
Development and expansion of graduate work, 1944-60 *
Lobund *
Mediaeval Institute *
Learned publications *
Sponsored and non-sponsored research *
Committee on International Relations, Studies in Soviet Policy and Eastern Europe, Program in American Studies *
Requirements for advanced degrees 1932-1960 *
Student enrollment *
Chapter VII - Faculty
Number of *
Ranks *
Degrees *
Research function *
Some teachers and scholars of the past *
Chapter VIII - University Library and Archives
University Library *
Archives *
Chapter IX - Academic Organization and Administration
Course *
School *
College *
Department *
Deans and Heads of Departments * ; *
College and Department Faculties *
Academic Council *
Graduate Dean and Graduate Council *
Chain of Command *
Conclusion: Guide-lines to the future
Determination to improve and grow *
Lesson of care and caution *
Care and caution not to be equated with arrested vision or with fixed prejudgment of changing situations *
Possible impact of changing situation on Notre Dame *
Seeing the University wholly *
Inherent tensions in the American university caused by its two primary committments *
Minimizing the tensions *
Financing research and advancement of knowledge; the dangers involved *
Notre Dame as university and Catholic university; present expansion; Psychology a desirable addition *
Theology, Philosophy and Mediaeval Institute as distinguishing marks *
Additional doctoral programs in present departments *
Science and Social Science Divisions of the Graduate School *
Subject Matter Index
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