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1797 Aug. 30 Guillot, Fabian Dispensation asked by Fabian Guillot to revalidate his marriage with Ana Giroir related in the fourth degree.
Deva, (O.M.Cap.), Father Bern(ar)do de
to Bishop Luis Penalver y Cardenas Deva has just received a letter from Father Luis de Quintanilla, (O.M.Cap.) asking him to make the attached petition which he sends by Fabian Guillot, his parishioner. A.L.S. (Spanish)
Deva, Father Bernardo de
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas Fabian Guillot and Ana Giroir were married about 12 years ago and have discovered the impediment of relationship which they declare before the two undersigned witnesses Joseph and Fabian Aucoin to be as follows: Claudio Boudreaux Miguel Boudraux Juan Boudraux Maria Boudraux Maria Boudraux Theotista D'aigle Maria Dugat Fabian Guillot Ana Giroir the intended husband the intended wife A dispensation is asked that their marriage may be validated. Signed by Joseph Aucoin and Fabian Aucoin as witnesses. A.L.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of Fabian Guillot is to appear and declare. Father Isidro Quintero, as secretary, certifies this decree. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Quintero, Father Isidro In compliance with the above decree Fabian Guillot appeared and swore that he now knew that he and Anna Giroir were related in the fourth degree but when they were married by Father Pedro Zamora, O.M.Cap.) in La Fourche, the older people said that there was no relationship because it was so remote. Quintanilla ordered them to apply to (Penalver), separating them as they are now. Because of the ignorance with which they acted, their four children, and their mutual love, Guillot asks for a dispensation so that they can be properly married. He is 33, his wife 32, having been married about 12 years. Guillot does not know how to sign; the bishop signs. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Penalver y Cardenas, Luis, Bishop of Penalver grants the dispensation. A copy of this decree is to be sent to Deva so that he may ratify the marriage when conditions are fulfilled. D.S. (Spanish)
V-1-c A.D.S., D.S. 6pp. 4to. (Spanish)