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1801 Jun. 12 Gili, Father Sebastian Concerning the wills of the officers of the Battalion of Mexico: Jose(?) Gutierres, Jose Corail, Jose Maria Bucheli. Mariano Barrios.
Gili, Father Sebastian
to Bishop (Luis Penalver y Cardenas) Pursuant to (Penalver)'s letter of October 21, Gili asked the sergeant for the wills of those who had died. Most of them have been carried out except some overseas arrangements which were prevented by the war. In the enclosed report he lists three persons whose wills are not executed and the reasons. A great number died intestate whose legacies have been deposited in the treasury of the battalion for disposition by the sergeant, Sevastian Kindelan. He asks (Penalver) to use his influence so that Gili's suggestion be heeded by the Auditor of War of Cabahonoce, (Francisco Pasqual Cler(?) as also the royal order of July 20, 1779. The wills of those who died prior to June, 1795, are in the office of the sergeant of the First Battalion. A.L.S. (Spanish)
(Gili, Father Sebastian?) to Diego Antonio Carrasco, or the heirs of Jose Corail Jose Corail died in Nogales on October 16, 1797. He was born in CadiZ, son of Luis Corail and Josefa Blanco. A card written at Malaga June 10, `797, to Pedro Ferron of the Regiment of Mexico told that Josefa Blanco is dead and as he had no brothers and as there is a baptismal record of Jose Antonio Abad, born in Cadiz which mentions a son of Corail when he was adjutant of the regiment of Zamora(?), he believes that Abad, if living, or the immediate kin of the deceased would inherit the goods left intestate. This consists of money, jewelry, clothing, debts in his favor and the inheritance of most of the wealth of Captain Mig(ue)l Gutierres. (Gili?) is chaplain of the 2nd Mexican Battalion and he would like to induce those with a right to the legacy to appear and claim the fortune and leave something for Corail's soul. The heirs know no one here; the 2nd Battalion could be withdrawn any day and (Gili?) with them; it would be convenient to have the power given to an inhabitant. Antonio Ceulino(?), arsenal guard, Ant(oni)o Morales, treasurer of the custom-house, Juan Ventura Morales, auditor for the army, are from Malaga if the heirs wish to confide in them. He asked the bishop to certify that he is chaplain. L. Copy(?) (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of The writer of this letter is chaplain of the 2nd Battalion of Mexico. A.D.S. (Spanish)
(Penalver y Cardenas, Luis), Bishop of
to Father Sebastian Gilli (Gili?) In regard to the Masses for Corail, and in like cases, he charges Gili that having done all he could and they are still not fulfilled, to have recourse to him as it remains (Penalver's) responsibility. A.L.S. Draft (Spanish)
Gili, Father Sevast(ia)n Members of the Battalion whose wills have been executed: Miguel Gutierrez, Captain, died October 5, 1796. He made his will before Carlos Ximenes. His executor Jose Corail ordered 50 Masses for his soul. Jose Corail died at Nogales October 16, 1797 without a will; his goods are in the general depository. Lawyer Man(ue)l Serrano took charge of the inventory and auction because of the illness of the judge. Corail had not finished the execution of Gutierrez's will nor has Seranno since no one has advised him as they should as one-fourth of the Masses are his by parochial right. Jose Bucheli, captain, died intestate in Nogales on April(?) 24, 1797. Gili has not been given his parochial rights in this nor the preceding nor the Masses as of Article 4 of the Royal Order of July 20, 1799. Mariano Barrios died November 22, 1798. His will went to the judge. The wills of Jose Maldonado, Juan Ortiz, Juan Agosto and Ant(oni)o Leon have not been executed because no settlement of the estate has been made. A.D.S. (Spanish)
Ximenes, Carlos Ximenes certifies that on September 22 Miguel Gutierrez de la Higuera came before him to make his will. He is a native of Miera(?) in the mountains of Burgos, son of Miguel and Ana Gomes(?), deceased. He ordered that he be dressed in his military insignia and buried in the plot of the faithful, leaving his funeral at the disposition of his executor. Three Masses are to be said for his soul and 2 reales to be given for the obligatory bequest, leaving half his goods which remain after paying the costs of his funeral, illness and other debts to be given for Masses for his soul without detriment to the Bishop's fourth. He was never married. He names Corail as executor and makes him heir of half his estate. This is as the original was made and handed over to the chaplain, Father Josef Jil.
V-3-a A.D.S. 15pp. 8vo. and 4to.