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Shredding Program
The Archives administers the University shredding program, which provides in-office shred bins for confidential records destruction. Participating offices receive secured bins for depositing materials that require shredding. Shred bins are emptied every four weeks and the contents are shredded on campus by Shred-it. This is a service provided by the University and there is no charge to participating offices. Email records@nd.edu to learn more about participating.
To request a new permanent shred bin, a temporary 96-gallon tote, or to make notification of a bin move, please submit a Shred Bin Request Form
Shred bins are intended for the destruction of paper records generated in the day-to-day course of business. Records may include staples and paper clips. Paper should be removed from binders. Shred bins are not intended for annual purges or cleanups and should not be used for CDs, computer disks, or hard drives. Bulk shreds are instead handled during Special Shreds, described below.
Shred bins are serviced according to the following roster.
Red Day | Green Day |
Compton Family Ice Arena Corbett Family Hall Duncan Student Center Eddy Street Commons Galvin Life Sciences Center Guglielmino Athletics Complex Harper Hall Innovation Park Jordan Hall of Science Joyce Center Mendoza College of Business O'Neill Hall Raclin-Carmichael Hall Raclin Murphy Museum of Art Rolfs Athletics Hall Stayer Center for Executive Education Surplus Walsh Family Hall |
Decio Faculty Hall Fischer Graduate Community Center Flanner Hall Grace Hall Hesburgh Library Malloy Hall McCourtney Halls O'Shaughnessy Hall Radiation Research Building Snite Museum of Art |
Gold Day | Blue Day |
Biolchini Hall Bond Hall Clinical Law Center Coleman-Morse Center Corby Hall Cushing Hall of Engineering DeBartolo Performing Arts Center Eck Visitor / Alumni Center Eck Hall of Law Exoneration Justice Clinic Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering Hesburgh Center Information Technology Center Jenkins Nanovic Halls Jordan Hall of Science (Pre-Professional Studies only) McKenna Hall Mendoza College of Business (3rd floor only) Morris Inn Pasquerilla Center Rockne Memorial South Dining Hall Stinson-Remick Hall |
Beichner Hall Carole Sandner Hall Crowley Hall Facilities Building Fire Station Geddes Hall Haggar Hall Hammes Mowbray Hall Hessert Aerospace Research Center Hurley Hall Lafortune Student Center Landscape Services Building Mail Distribution Center Main Building Maintenance Center Mason Support Services Center Multidisciplinary Research Building Nieuwland Science Hall North Dining Hall Riley Hall of Art and Design St. Liam Hall St. Michael's Laundry Turbomachinery White Field Research Laboratory |
Special Shreds
Non-routine shredding services, such as bulk shredding or emptying bins early, take place pursuant to Shred-it's availability. Shred bins are not intended for bulk records destruction or for non-paper records. When an office needs to destroy large quantities of records, such as when purging files in accordance with records retention schedules, the office should contact the Archives to request a Special Shred. Special Shreds may also be requested for destruction of computer hard drives and other digital media, or if shred bins have reached capacity before an office's next regular visit.
Please note: Requests submitted by 2:00 p.m. Friday can usually be accommodated the following Tuesday. Depending on Shred-it's availability, however, an office may have to wait a week or longer before a request is fulfilled. Records must be securely stored until they are destroyed.
Submit a Special Shred Request Form to request non-routine services
from Shred-it during the next available service visit*
Shred-it service days are listed below.
Gold Day | Blue Day |
Red Day |
Green Day |
This page was last updated February 25, 2025