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Records Management Checklist
Questions to help your office evaluate its recordkeeping practices:
✓ |
Can your office quickly find information when you need it? |
✓ |
When your office creates or receives new records, do you know where to file them? |
✓ |
Does your office keep University records clearly separated from personal records? |
✓ |
Is access to records restricted to authorized staff members? |
✓ |
Does your office use check-in / check-out procedures to track the location of records? |
✓ |
Has your office adopted the University’s general records retention schedules? |
✓ |
Does your office have office-specific records retention schedules?
(If not, please visit Developing Office-Specific Schedules to learn how to get started.) |
✓ |
Are your office-specific schedules up-to-date, accurate and comprehensive?
(If not, please contact the Archivist for Records Management.) |
✓ |
Does your office dedicate time each year to focus on records?
(If not, please visit Conducting an Annual Records Clean-Out.) |
✓ |
Does your office routinely destroy records according to records retention schedules? |
✓ |
Does your office routinely transfer records to the Archives according to records retention schedules? |
✓ |
Is your office applying records retention schedules and records management principles to all University records, regardless of media or format? |
If you answered “yes” to all of these questions, you are to be commended on your recordkeeping practices! If your office needs assistance with these or other records management concerns, however, please contact the Archives.
This page was last updated
December 14, 2021