- Fafalla, Father Juan Mig(ue)l. 1797 Oct. 18.
- Fafar, Jose. 1800 May 24 (proceedings in regard to the clandestine marriage of Fafar and Isavel Olivo).
- Farjon, Sister Marie Theresa of St. Xavier. 1793 June 7; 1795 Jan. 14; 1796.
- Fazende, Charlotte. 1801 May 27.
- Fejeiro, Vic(en)te Fern(ande)z. 1801 Aug. 29.
- Ferdinand, O.M. Cap., Father. 1776 May 30 (encl'd in 1789 Nov. 27, Sedella).
- Fernandez, Andres. 1802 Feb. 27, Aug. 18.
- Fern(ande)z de Silva, Felipe. 1803 Feb. 17.
- Filhiol, Juan. 1800 May 24; 1802 March 4 (proceedings against Filhiol for witnessing marriages as a priest).
- Fitzgerald, Mary. 1796 July 11.
- Fleuriau, Francois. 1736 July 8; 1740 Jan. 3.
- Folch, Vicente. 1801 March 10.
- Fortier, Michel. 1803 Oct. 13.
- Fortier, Norbert. 1802 Oct. 8. (proceedings for dispensation).
- Fossier, Alfonso. 1795 Dec. 30. (proceedings for dispensation).
- Foucault, Denis Nicolas. 1769 March 15.
- Fromentin, Antonio. 1802 Nov. 16 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Fuentes, (O.F.M.), Father Simon de. 1796 Jan. 15.
- Fulton, Alex(ande)r. 1802 Dec. 14.
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