- LaBarre, Fran(cis)co Pascalis de. 1796 Feb. 5, Oct. 6.
- Labarre, Pierre. 1803 May 24 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Labat, Pierre. 1799 Dec. 31.
- Labbe, Dorothe. 1799 Aug. 1.
- Labranche, Jean Baptiste. 1802 Aug. 31 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Lacoste, Francisco Leandro. 1800 Feb. 28 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Lacour, Zenon Colin. 1797 Feb. 9 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Lacourt, Pier. 1801 April 29 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Ladenaire, Juan Bautista. 1802 July 30 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Ladener, Joseph. 1801 April 29 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Ladnaire, Domingo. 1799 Sept. 24 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Ladner, Juan Bautista. 1801 April 29 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Lafrance, Santiago. 1802 Dec. 7 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Lafrancht, Carlos. 1797 Feb. 27 (proceedings for dispensation).
- LaFreniere, Chauvin de. 1750 Sept. 7 (encl'd in 1758 Sept. 20, Chantalou to LeBreton).
- Lafreniere, Nicolas Chauvin de. 1735 July 17.
- Lamare, Father Austin. 1793 Dec. 20; 1794 Feb. 14; 1796 Aug. 5; 1797 Sept. 16; 1798 Nov. 24 (encl'd in 1798 Dec. 31, Father McKenna to Bishop Penalver y Cardenas); 1799 April 8.
- Lambert, F(ranci)s. 1803 Oct. 7 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Lamport, Father Miguel. 1787 Nov. 8.
- Landry, Alexandro. 1796 Jan. 2 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Landry, Dionsio. 1795 Aug. 24 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Landry, Eduardo. 1796 May 24 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Landry, Fermin. 1795 Aug. 10 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Landry, Hipolito. 1795 Sept. 30 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Landry, Joseph Donato. 1795 Aug. 11.
- Landry, Nicolas. 1802 April 8 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Landry, Sebastian. 1797 Nov. 25 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Langline, Angelique Julie. 1798 March 23 (proceedings to prove legitimacy and baptism).
- Lanusse, Pablo. 1802 Jan. 30 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Lanzos(?), M. de. 1796 March 30.
- Lasaga, Diego de. 1796 June 20; 1798 April 18, June 19.
- Las Casas, Luis de. 1795 Nov. 7; 1796 Feb. 3, Feb. 5, May 24; 1797 June 22; 1798 Oct. 1.
- Latour, Andres St. Paujet(?) de. 1802 Sept. 11 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Laussat, (Pierre Clement de). 1803 March 31 (encl'd in 1803 April 2, Salcedo to Father Hassett).
- Lavergne, Celestino. 1799 Nov. 20.
- Lavigne, Pier(re). 1803 May 4.
- Lavranyse, Father Juan Pedro. 1799 July 5.
- Le Breton, Louis Cesaire. 1764 Feb. 11.
- Le Dru, O.P., Father. 1789 May 8; 1790 March 27; 1793 May 10.
- Lej(e)une, Jose. 1798 June 23 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Lennan, Father Fran(cis)co. 1796 April 1, May 16, July 11; 1797 March 2, Oct. 17; 1798 April 14, July 15 (encl'd in 1798 Dec. 31, Father McKenna to Bishop Penalver y Cardenas), Aug. 7; 1799 Aug. 1; 1802 April 27 (proceedings for transfer); 1803 Aug. 15.
- Le Normant, (Sebastien Francois Ange). 1791 June 30.
- Leonard, Gilberto. 1797 Oct. 21.
- Lilis, Federico. 1793 March 26, May 6.
- Limpach, O.M.Cap., Father Bernardo. 1787 April 24; 1789 May 9, May 9; 1795, Dec. 9.
- Liotau, Luis. 1803 May 4 (encl'd in 1803 May 4, Antonio Morales).
- Livaudais. 1803 Jan. 5.
- LLaguno y Amirola, Eugenio de, Spain's Minister of Grace and Justice. 1794 April 15 (certified copy dated 1795 Aug. 14); 1796 Oct. 6; 1802 Oct. 13.
- Llorca, V(icen)te. (1790?); 1796 Jan. 15.
- Loisel. 1790 March 29.
- Lonergan, O.F.M., Father Patrick. 1800.
- Longuepec, Januario. 1798 Oct. 15 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Longuepec, Jean Jacques. 1801 Nov. 18 (proceedings for dispensation).
- Lopez y Angulo, Ramon de. (1800) March 5; 1801 June 5.
- Lovet, Abbe. 1708. (speech).
- Lum, Hannah. 1797 March 2.
- Lum, W(illia)m. 1797 March 2.
- Lusson, Father Leandre. 1798 July 2 (proceedings for providing a pastor); 1800; 1800; 1800 Nov. 20 (on the same paper with 1801 Feb. 7); 1802; 1802.
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